What’s Cardiac Output?

Cardiac output is a measurement of how well the heart works, calculated by multiplying heart rate and stroke volume. A range of 4-8 liters is considered normal, with variations based on fitness level. Exercise increases cardiac output, but a lack of increase could indicate heart problems. There are a number of measurements of how well […]

What’s cardiac cachexia?

Cardiac cachexia is a wasting disease associated with chronic heart failure, causing significant loss of muscle mass and other tissues. It is triggered by poor blood circulation and inflammation, resulting in an accelerated wasting process. The prognosis is poor, and treatment requires continued drug use and close medical supervision. Cachexia refers to a type of […]

What’s Cardiac Asthma?

Cardiac asthma is caused by fluid build-up in the lungs due to heart failure, and can mimic traditional asthma symptoms. Proper diagnosis and treatment is essential, including medications to relieve fluid build-up and strengthen the heart muscle, as well as lifestyle changes. Overuse of traditional asthma medications can worsen symptoms and should be avoided. Older […]

What’s Cardiac Arrest?

Cardiac arrest is a medical emergency where the heart stops pumping blood, leading to brain death within minutes. Treatment involves CPR and defibrillation, and preventive care includes a healthy lifestyle and managing underlying heart conditions. First aid training is crucial as immediate treatment is essential. Cardiac arrest is a medical emergency in which the heart […]

Types of cardiac sonographer jobs?

Cardiac sonographers use ultrasound to create images of the heart and blood vessels for doctors to check for heart disease. They work in hospitals, doctors’ offices, and imaging clinics. A two-year degree is required, but additional education can lead to management positions or teaching careers. Strong critical thinking skills and technical proficiency are necessary. Ultrasound […]

Cardiac supplements: what are they?

Heart supplements like omega-3 oils, niacin, red yeast rice, B vitamins, and coenzyme Q10 can help protect against cardiovascular disease, but may not work for everyone. Omega-3 fatty acids can lower cholesterol, while niacin raises good cholesterol and lowers bad cholesterol. Red yeast rice can also lower bad cholesterol, but should be taken in moderation […]

What’s the cardiac conduction system?

The heart’s conduction system is regulated by the sinoatrial node (SAN), which sends impulses to other cardiac fibers. The SAN is the pacemaker of the heart and regulates heart rate. The conduction system uses bundled fibers to carry signals from the SAN throughout the heart, and the entire depolarization sequence for one heartbeat takes less […]

How to be a cardiac physiologist?

Cardiac physiologists diagnose heart disease and conduct research on heart rate, cardiac output, and electrical conduction. They require a solid aptitude for scientific and anatomical disciplines and interpersonal skills. Educational requirements range from two to four years of advanced study, and certification is required. Job opportunities are found in hospitals, private practices, outpatient centers, and […]

What’s a Cardiac Sonographer?

A cardiac sonographer uses ultrasound imaging to take pictures of the heart and cardiovascular system. They work in medical settings and require a minimum two-year associate’s degree in echocardiography. Good communication skills and attention to detail are important. A cardiac sonographer, also called an echocardiographer or cardiac ultrasound technologist, is a medical professional whose specialty […]

What’s cardiac syncope?

Cardiac syncope is a sudden loss of consciousness caused by insufficient oxygenated blood in the brain due to heart problems such as obstructive heart lesions and arrhythmias. Mechanical causes like aortic stenosis and myocardial infarction can also lead to cardiac syncope. Automated external defibrillators can help save lives in some cases. “Syncope” is a medical […]

What’s cardiac arrhythmia?

Cardiac arrhythmia is an irregular or abnormal heart rate that can be life-threatening. Bradycardia is when the heart rate falls below 60 bpm, while tachycardia is when it exceeds 100 bpm. Fibrillation is a fatal form of arrhythmia that affects the atrium or ventricle. Any form of arrhythmia requires medical attention. Sometimes referred to as […]

What’s a cardiac doctor?

Heart specialists are trained professionals who provide medical care for the heart. There are four major types: cardiovascular technician, cardiovascular technologist, cardiologist, and cardiac surgeon. They perform a variety of non-invasive and invasive procedures, including tests, surgeries, and treatments. Specializations include pediatric cardiology and nuclear cardiology. Cardiac surgery requires extensive training and can involve congenital […]

How to be a Cath Lab Cardiac Nurse?

Cardiac catheterization labs diagnose and treat heart problems. Nurses counsel patients, administer medication, and assist physicians during procedures. To become a cardiac cath lab nurse, one must complete a nursing degree, obtain registered nurse credentials, attend in-hospital training, and pass a certification exam. Training involves classroom studies and supervised nursing in real cath lab environments. […]

What’s Cardiac Nursing?

Cardiac nursing involves caring for patients with heart and vascular conditions. Cardiac nurses work in various environments, including operating rooms and intensive care units, and often pursue advanced certifications. They provide patient care, administer tests and medications, and offer emotional support. The nurse-to-patient ratio is low, and cardiac nurses advocate for their patients. Job prospects […]

What’s cardiac hypertrophy?

Cardiac hypertrophy is the enlargement of the heart muscle, often caused by high blood pressure. It can be dangerous and lead to heart function-related deaths. However, mild hypertrophy in pregnant women and athletes is usually not harmful. Symptoms include shortness of breath, decreased ability to exercise, dizziness or fainting, and heart palpitations. Cardiac hypertrophy refers […]

What’s cardiac cirrhosis?

Cardiac cirrhosis is liver damage caused by chronic heart failure, leading to fibrous deposits and a mottled appearance. Treatment options include medication, surgery, diuretics, and lifestyle changes. It is more common in the elderly and can lead to liver dysfunction. Cardiac cirrhosis is a liver condition caused by chronic heart failure. In patients with this […]

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