What’s postpartum cardiomyopathy?

Postpartum cardiomyopathy is a rare form of dilated cardiomyopathy that weakens the heart muscle during the perinatal period, causing abnormal heart rhythms and potentially leading to heart failure. Symptoms can be difficult to differentiate from typical pregnancy changes, but rapid onset symptoms should be reported to a doctor. Risk factors include age, race, obesity, smoking, […]

What’s alcoholic cardiomyopathy?

Alcoholic cardiomyopathy is a form of heart failure caused by long-term alcohol abuse. Symptoms include shortness of breath, congestion in the lungs, and swelling in the legs. The most effective treatment is complete abstinence from alcohol. Alcoholic cardiomyopathy is a form of heart failure caused by long-term alcohol abuse. Also known as dilated cardiomyopathy, this […]

Idiopathic cardiomyopathy: what is it?

Cardiomyopathy is a group of heart diseases with four main types: hypertrophic, restrictive, dilated, and arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia. Causes include genetics, alcohol/drug abuse, infections, high blood pressure, and pregnancy. Treatment options include medication, surgery, and implanted devices. The term cardiomyopathy refers to a number of diseases that affect the heart. There are four main […]

What’s Ischemic Cardiomyopathy?

Ischemic cardiomyopathy, also known as congestive heart failure, is a chronic condition caused by impaired arterial function or coronary artery disease. Symptoms include shortness of breath, fatigue, and decreased stamina. Treatment involves managing symptoms with medications and surgery if necessary. Ischemic cardiomyopathy is a serious medical condition characterized by the inability of the heart to […]

What’s Cardiomyopathy?

Cardiomyopathy is a rare heart disease that affects the myocardium, causing the heart to function abnormally. There are four types: ischemic, hypertrophic, dilated, and restricted. Dilated cardiomyopathy is the most common and often requires transplantation. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy causes additional heart muscle tissue to grow, while restricted cardiomyopathy causes the heart muscles to widen, making it […]

What’s Takotsubo cardiomyopathy?

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is a temporary condition caused by a surge of stress hormones that can mimic a heart attack. It is triggered by a traumatic event and is more common in middle-aged or elderly women. Treatment is similar to that for a heart attack, and most patients recover fully within a few weeks. Follow-up visits […]

What’s Viral Cardiomyopathy?

Viral cardiomyopathy is a heart condition caused by a viral infection that weakens the heart and causes problems such as shortness of breath, dizziness, and fatigue. Treatment options include medication, lifestyle changes, and alternative therapies. People with a history of viral infections should inform their doctors during routine health screening. Viral cardiomyopathy is a heart […]

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