What’s a Fat Catcher?

A grease trap is used to prevent grease from entering the sewage system, which can cause clogs and disrupt wastewater treatment. It consists of a tank that separates solids and grease from water. Regular maintenance is required, and some establishments have contracts with rendering companies to dispose of the grease. Building codes may have specific […]

What’s a dog catcher?

A dog catcher, or animal control officer, is responsible for handling loose animals and responding to reports of sick or rabid animals. They prefer to be called animal control officers and may carry supplies and tranquilizer guns. To become one, a test and education may be required. The job requires skill, compassion, and physical fitness, […]

Was JD Salinger, author of “Catcher in the Rye,” a recluse?

Letters released after JD Salinger’s death reveal that the reclusive author enjoyed bus tours, gardening, and Burger King Whoppers. He watched TV and followed tennis, but didn’t want media attention. Salinger wrote part of The Catcher in the Rye while serving in WWII and dated Oona O’Neill before she married Charlie Chaplin. In the collective […]

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