Why is yawning catching?

Between 40-60% of people find yawning contagious, but the reason why was unclear. Finnish scientists found that the periamygdala sections of the brain become inactive when people witness someone else yawn, suggesting that certain parts of the brain are responsible for a person’s perception of a yawn. Other theories suggest that yawning evolved as a […]

What’s Mouse Catching?

Mouse trapping is a technique used to trap visitors on offensive websites to generate revenue. Pagejacking redirects visitors to pornographic sites, and fake links end up in search engines. Pagejackers embed redirect code to prevent exit and exploit clicks. Avoid mouse trapping by manually entering a legitimate address or using a bookmark. Disabling JavaScript or […]

Chances of catching a drunk driver?

Nearly 300,000 drunk drivers take to the road in the US daily, with less than 1.5% being caught. Drunk drivers cause one in three road deaths, equating to 27 deaths per day. Despite efforts to reduce drunk driving, offenders continue to drive even with suspended licenses. Alcohol causes up to 100,000 deaths annually, with Massachusetts […]

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