What’s Mammoth Cave NP?

Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky is the world’s largest cave system with over 360 miles of passages. The park offers cave tours, hiking, camping, and wildlife viewing. The park is open year-round, and reservations are recommended for tours. The park has a rich history, with evidence of human contact dating back 6,000 years. Mammoth […]

What’s Jewel Cave Natl. Monument?

Jewel Cave National Monument in South Dakota is the second longest cave in the world, named for its calcite spar crystals. Discovered in 1900, it was declared a national monument in 1908 and continues to operate as a tourist attraction. The cave’s known passages extend beyond the monument’s boundaries, and researchers believe there are still […]

Lessons from prehistoric cave art?

Cave paintings, dating back between 1200 and 34,000 years, are found in many hundreds of caves in Spain and France. The purpose of these paintings is unknown, but they depict large wild animals and human hands. They confirm the existence of extinct animals and the sophistication of ancient humans. The paintings also support the hypothesis […]

Cave traits: common features?

Caves contain various speleothems, such as stalactites and stalagmites, which grow slowly over centuries or millennia. Other formations include soda straws, helictites, and flowstone. These structures are created by dripping water depositing calcite or gypsum. The caves of the world contain numerous beautiful and mysterious formations for anyone brave enough to venture into them. There […]

Allegory of the cave?

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave in The Republic depicts humans as imprisoned by their perceptions, and explores what would happen if they encountered true reality through philosophy. It has been interpreted as a statement on man’s condition in the world, the power of knowledge and truth, and the limitations of immediate experience. The allegory has […]

Interpreting the cave allegory?

The cave allegory by Plato explores philosophical forms and the role of the philosopher in liberating people from shadows. It can be interpreted in different ways and used to discuss political apathy. Understanding its context and common interpretations can aid in developing a thoughtful point of view. People who study the cave allegory should know […]

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