Do people still live in caves worldwide?

Yaodongs, the earliest Chinese cave dwellings, date back to the Bronze Age. Over 2 million people still live in caves in China, many in Shaanxi Province. Most caves are passed down through generations and are popular due to the easy excavation of the porous soil. Some caves have modern amenities. The earliest type of Chinese […]

Mesa Verde Caves: What are they?

The Mesa Verde Cave Dwellings were built by the Anasazi people between AD 1200-1300 in Colorado. The sandstone and adobe mortar structures blend into the landscape and include kivas, towers, and pit houses. The area was settled by ranchers in the late 18th century, and the Wetherill family helped preserve some of the dwellings. The […]

Largest caves in the world?

Son Doong Cave on the Laos-Vietnam border has the largest chamber, while Mammoth Cave System in Kentucky is the longest cave. Krubera-Voronja Cave in Georgia is the deepest cave. The winners for the world’s largest caves can be based on several conceptions. If the biggest caves are the ones with the biggest chambers, then there’s […]

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