Only “Male” and “Female” on birth certificates?

California now allows residents to list their gender as “non-binary” on state birth certificates and driver’s licenses, removing the requirement for clinical treatment. The Gender Recognition Act of 2017 aims to accurately represent gender identity in civil documentation. Until recently, California only listed the genders “male” or “female” on state birth certificates. But a new […]

Best tips for buying tax lien certificates?

Buying tax lien certificates can be a low-risk investment with attractive returns, but buyers should research the sales process, understand the rights conferred by ownership, consider the impact of bankruptcy filings, and assess the condition of the target property and any environmental issues. Buying tax lien certificates is an investment strategy known for its relatively […]

Best tips for selling stock certificates?

Stock certificates are physical proof of share ownership, but are rarely used today due to electronic transactions. To sell them, determine their value and deposit them into an account, or sell them as collectibles through appraisal websites or collector-specific websites. People interested in selling stock certificates hope to make a profit on their value, either […]

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