What’s a glucose challenge test?

The glucose challenge test measures blood sugar levels in pregnant women to identify gestational diabetes. It involves drinking a sweet glucose solution and having a blood sample taken. A normal blood glucose level is below 130-140 mg/dL, and a higher level may indicate gestational diabetes. A glucose challenge test (GCT), also called an hour glucose […]

How to challenge a dismissal?

Employees who believe they were unfairly or illegally terminated have internal and legal options, including appealing through their employer or filing a lawsuit. Some companies have written procedures for appeals, while others require court action. Exceptions to at-will employment include signed employment contracts and discrimination based on protected characteristics. When an employee is fired or […]

What’s a bronchial challenge test?

A bronchial challenge test is used to diagnose asthma by inducing airway constriction with drugs like methacholine or histamine, and measuring the degree of constriction with spirometry. False positives are possible, and the test can be physically taxing, so other diagnostic methods are often used. Bronchodilators can be used to confirm the diagnosis and test […]

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