Can a character testify in Congress?

In 2002, Elmo testified before Congress, becoming the first nonhuman to do so. He requested more funds for music education and referred to himself as “Mr. Monster.” Elmo is a beloved Sesame Street character and has appeared on various TV shows. Plenty of celebrities have testified before Congress, but in 2002, Elmo, the fuzzy red […]

What’s character encoding?

Character encoding is the method used to represent characters, glyphs, or symbols as numeric values in computer memory. It is necessary to translate non-numeric characters into a form that a computer can manipulate. HTML documents define the type of character encoding used, and Unicode is the standard encoding. Early computers stored basic English characters in […]

What’s character assassination?

Character assassination is the attempt to harm an individual’s reputation through lies, exaggeration, or misrepresentation of facts, often seen in politics and smaller settings like schools and workplaces. It can lead to social isolation and depression, and can even damage career prospects. While some attempts may convey verifiable information, those that deal in lies and […]

What’s a Ctrl Character?

Printed and unprinted characters are used when typing on a computer. Control characters, which control the placement of symbols, are often used without users realizing it. There are 32 control characters in ASCII, including common ones like the spacebar, tab, delete, enter, and shift. Some commands require pressing two keys together. Control characters were first […]

What’s OCR (Optical Character Recognition)?

OCR technology converts printed materials into editable text files, saving storage space. It requires hardware and software, and can struggle with handwriting. OCR allows for quick and easy searching of large amounts of data, making it valuable for institutions. Optical character recognition (OCR) is a process of converting printed materials into text or word processing […]

What’s good moral character?

Good moral character is a legal requirement in the US for various purposes, including granting citizenship and professional licenses. Committing crimes of moral turpitude, such as fraud and drug trafficking, can result in denial of citizenship or disbarment for lawyers. Maintaining good moral character is crucial for those seeking to practice law or become US […]

What’s a backup character?

Stock characters are formulaic figures in a story that provide quick recognition of certain traits. They can be used for parody or unexpected twists, and while they lack personal development, they create comfort and familiarity for audiences. Stock characters are highly cultural and often used in fairy tales and ancient legends. Parody often uses stock […]

Slander vs. defamation of character: what’s the difference?

Slander is a type of defamation, which is a legal tort that damages a plaintiff’s reputation. Libel is defamation in writing or a permanent recording. A person can only sue for one type of defamation, not both. To prove slander, the defendant must have spoken defamatory language to a third person. Legal defenses to defamation […]

Proving defamation of character?

Defamation of character involves making a false statement that harms someone. To prove a claim, it must be shown that a false statement was made, shared with a third party, and caused harm. Defenses include truth and opinions. In law, defamation of character refers to making a false statement, written or spoken, against someone who […]

What’s a character witness?

A character witness provides testimony about a defendant’s character in a case. They must know the person well and have a good reputation. They can speak about the person’s reputation, personal opinion, and past deeds. In criminal cases, character witnesses are usually admitted, but in civil cases, they may not be relevant. Opposing counsel can […]

Actors’ brains in character: what happens?

Scientists at McMaster University tested the brain function of theatre students trained in Stanislavski’s method acting. MRI scans showed decreased activity in the prefrontal cortex, indicating the actors were “losing themselves” in their characters. Stanislavski’s approach focuses on understanding a character’s motivations and goals, rather than fully becoming the character like in Lee Strasberg’s method. […]

What’s character analysis?

Character analysis is the examination of physical, social, psychological and ancillary elements of a character in a fictional text. It focuses on character conflict, traits, and can incorporate different types of criticism. The scholar’s moral and ethical framework is often incorporated into the analysis. Character analysis is the scholarly examination of the physical, social, psychological […]

What’s a character analysis essay?

A character analysis essay analyzes and writes about a character in a story to understand their nature and purpose. It gives readers a greater understanding of a character and how they function within the story. The essay includes an overview of the character and how they fit into the story, using examples from the story […]

Create character lesson plans?

When creating characterization lesson plans, consider the aspects of characterization to teach, meet state and federal standards, and reinforce other ideas. Use interactive methods and examples of direct and indirect characterization, and make the lesson work within a larger unit. Allow students to practice characterization through writing exercises. To create characterization lesson plans, you should […]

What’s an archetypal character?

Archetypal characters are basic prototypes found in literature based on Carl Jung’s ideas about archetypes in society. They fulfill basic functions in the plot and form the outlines for main characters to develop from. They are essential for human understanding and relationship to a story. The four basic archetypes are the mother, rebirth, spirit, and […]

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