Polymer chemists’ jobs?

Polymer chemists conduct research on the properties of polymers, working in manufacturing, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals. They develop new products and improve existing ones, and require a Ph.D. and licensing exams. Polymer chemists conduct investigative research and laboratory experiments to learn about the properties of polymers, groups of molecules that create strong, flexible chains. Most polymer […]

What’s a pet chemist’s job?

Pet chemists study animal-related chemical processes and are primarily concerned with creating and administering pet medications. They work in laboratories, pharmacies, and veterinary clinics, and may also be responsible for preparing pet prescriptions. Animal drug development is complicated by the diversity of biological systems involved, and most veterinary chemists have veterinary science training. Pet chemical […]

What’s a marine chemist’s job?

Marine chemists study the chemical composition of the ocean and underwater structures, researching changes in microorganisms and prehistoric cells. They conduct fieldwork and lab analysis, and need a degree in exact sciences, often pursuing further studies to advance in the field. A marine chemist is a scientist who focuses his or her career on understanding […]

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