What are dried cherries?

Dried cherries are a popular all-season treat used in desserts and main dishes. They can be dried in the oven or sun and have health benefits, including diuretic and antioxidant properties. They are also used in pemmican, a high-energy food consumed by North American Indians. Dried cherries are those that have undergone the drying process. […]

What to do with Morello cherries?

Morello cherries are tart and often used in sweet and savory dishes. They can be made into jam, pie filling, liqueur, and sauces. They can also be frozen for later use. Cherries are a variety of sour cherries. They are deep burgundy, sometimes looking almost black. Most cherry varieties are sweeter, but Morello cherries are […]

What’re maraschino cherries?

Maraschino cherries are a type of cherry usually made with Royal Ann cherries and flavored with sugar syrup. Originally flavored with cordial, they are now dyed with radish pigment and used for decorating desserts and cocktails. They should be stored in the refrigerator once opened. Maraschino cherries (pronounced mair and SKEE noh or mair and […]

Best rainy cherries? How to choose?

Rainier cherries are a sweet hybrid fruit with multicolored skin. When buying, look for good color, firmness, and no damage or insect infestation. The skin should be shiny and free from mold, and the cherry should not have any soft spots or wrinkles. Taste one before adding to recipes to ensure ripeness. The Rainier cherry […]

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