What’s chew tobacco?

Chewing tobacco, popular among Native Americans and early settlers, is a coarsely shredded and moistened form of tobacco sold loose or in small squares. It remains popular among sports figures and in rural parts of the US. There are several types, including loose leaf, plug, twist, bits, and chunks. While tobacco products have declined in […]

What’s “chew the fat” mean?

“Chew the fat” and “chew the rag” are English expressions for casual conversation or gossip, dating back to the 19th century. The origin of the phrases is uncertain, but they likely describe mouth movements common to both chewing and speaking. The “fat” in “chew the fat” may refer to salted pork, a staple of shipboard […]

What’s “chew the bite” mean?

“Biting the bit” refers to intense enthusiasm driven by frustration or impatience. The term comes from horse racing, where horses chew on the bit while waiting to start. The expression can be used for people eagerly anticipating something, but the excitement may not live up to the hype. Biting the bit, also rendered as biting […]

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