What’s Mint Choc Chip Ice Cream?

Chocolate mint ice cream can be made with spearmint or peppermint extract, or with fresh mint leaves. Natural versions are white or light green, while vivid green versions use food coloring. Homemade versions can have varying herbal flavors and may include chocolate chips or swirls. Chocolate mint ice cream is a flavor made by adding […]

Chip Cap: What is it?

Chip capacitors are small, rectangular devices used in high-frequency electronic circuits. They consist of multiple layers of ceramic powder and conductive metallic ink, which are stacked, pressed, cut, and cooked before terminals are applied and electroplating takes place. The finished devices are tested, packaged, and sold in coils of thousands for less than $1 per […]

What’s a “chip on shoulder” mean?

“Chip on the shoulder” is an American idiom for someone combative and easily offended, likely due to resentment or insecurity. Its origin lies in 19th century America, where placing a chip on the shoulder was a challenge to a fight. The phrase survived the metaphor but lost its literal meaning. Having a “chip on the […]

What’s a BIOS chip?

The BIOS chip on a computer’s motherboard is essential for proper functioning and startup. It uses non-volatile memory and communicates with hardware during startup. If damaged, it can be repaired by flashing the BIOS or replacing the chip or motherboard. The basic input/output system (BIOS) on a computer is usually stored on a non-volatile microchip […]

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