What’s a chromosomal disorder?

Chromosomal disorders occur when an embryo has too many or too few chromosomes, or when a chromosome has an abnormality. Miscarriages and birth defects often result, with Down syndrome being a common disorder. Turner syndrome affects only girls, while XYY affects only boys. A chromosomal disorder is an abnormality that occurs when an embryo develops […]

What’s a chromosomal aberration?

Chromosomal aberrations are abnormalities in the structure or number of chromosomes that can cause serious birth defects. They can be diagnosed with a karyotype and are caused by problems during cell division or exposure to mutagens. Aberrations can be numerical or structural and can be passed on to offspring. Some can be identified during pregnancy […]

What’s chromosomal translocation?

Chromosomes carry an organism’s genes and humans have 46 chromosomes. Chromosome translocation is when a portion of a chromosome moves to another location. Translocations can cause disorders, but balanced translocation is usually harmless. Individuals with balanced translocation have an increased risk of reproductive problems. Multi-Color FISH is a tool used for screening translocations. A chromosome […]

What’s a chromosomal mutation?

Chromosomal mutations affect the entire structure of a chromosome, often causing significant effects on multiple genes. Types of mutations include fusion, inversion, insertion, and deletion. Researchers use genetic mapping and sequencing to identify mutations. Chromosomes, which contain genetic information in the cells of many different organisms, can be mutated through a variety of different processes, […]

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