Chronic bronchitis symptoms?

Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the bronchioles in the lungs, with acute and chronic forms. Acute bronchitis is caused by an infection and can be treated with antibiotics, while chronic bronchitis is caused by long-term inflammation and is not curable. Symptoms include coughing, mucus production, difficulty breathing, and fatigue. Quitting smoking and medication can […]

What’s chronic angina?

Chronic angina is chest discomfort caused by inadequate oxygenated blood supply to the heart muscle, often triggered by a secondary condition. Diagnosis involves imaging and stress tests. Treatment includes medication, lifestyle changes, and surgery to restore proper blood flow. Symptoms include chest pain, nausea, and shortness of breath. Risk factors include obesity, smoking, and family […]

Types of chronic diarrhea treatment?

Chronic diarrhea can be treated by eliminating foods that cause irritation, using probiotics, antidiarrheal drugs, and prescription medication for IBS. Replenishing fluids and electrolytes is important, and a BRAT diet can help. Colon cleansing is controversial and should be discussed with a doctor. While there are various ways to control diarrhea symptoms, the most common […]

Causes of chronic dry cough?

A chronic dry cough can be caused by lung disease, medication, or moving to a dry climate. It’s important to see a doctor for evaluation and treatment, which may include switching medications, using a humidifier, or quitting smoking. A chronic dry cough can be caused by a number of factors, from lung disease to medications. […]

Best chronic pain doctor: how to choose?

When choosing a doctor for chronic pain, patients consider the doctor’s reputation, the types of treatments offered, and the comfort level with the staff. Chronic pain can result from various causes, and patients want a doctor who is willing to try the latest therapies and medications to relieve symptoms safely and effectively. The comfort and […]

Chronic sinusitis: what is it?

Chronic sinusitis is a constant inflammation of the sinuses that is difficult to treat and can be caused by multiple factors, including bacteria and airborne irritants. Symptoms include congestion, pain, fever, and discharge, and can lead to complications such as respiratory issues and polyps. Diagnosis involves CT scans and nasal endoscopy, and treatment options range […]

Chronic insomnia: what is it?

Chronic insomnia is a long-term sleep disorder that can last for years and affects a person’s ability to fall asleep or stay asleep. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including medication, stress, and sleep disorders. Treatment may involve lifestyle changes, medication, or therapy. While many people will experience the occasional sleepless night, […]

Causes of chronic vomiting?

Chronic vomiting can be caused by various health problems, including anxiety, allergies, medication side effects, and serious illnesses such as cancer and epilepsy. It is important to seek medical attention for a proper diagnosis and treatment to prevent severe dehydration. Children with chronic vomiting may be stressed, while adults may suffer from anxiety or eating […]

What’s Chronic Urticaria?

Chronic urticaria is a skin condition that causes recurring hives, which can be itchy and uncomfortable. The causes are not always known, but treatment can manage symptoms with antihistamines and lifestyle changes. Women and the elderly are more prone to the condition, and testing is recommended to rule out underlying diseases. Chronic urticaria is a […]

Chronic migratory erythema: what is it?

Chronic migratory erythema is a rash that appears in the early stages of Lyme disease, but not in all cases. It consists of a red, partially raised area with a central clearing that radiates from the location of the bite. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, and fatigue. Treatment with antibiotics can prevent the […]

Causes of chronic cough in kids?

A cough lasting more than three weeks in children requires a doctor’s visit. Causes include asthma, sinus infections, reflux, foreign bodies, irritants, viral infections, and habitual coughs. Correct diagnosis and treatment are crucial for a child’s health. Cough, which accounts for about 3% of all doctor visits, is a very common symptom in children. An […]

Chronic bronchitis: what is it?

Chronic bronchitis is an obstructive lung disease caused by inflammation of the bronchial tubes, often due to smoking or air pollution. Symptoms include a persistent cough and frequent respiratory infections. Treatment may include antibiotics, inhalers, and pulmonary therapy. Rest, fluids, and over-the-counter medications can also help, but a doctor’s evaluation is recommended. Chronic bronchitis is […]

How many Americans have chronic sleep disorders?

40 million Americans have chronic sleep disorders and 20 million have short-term sleep problems. The elderly are most affected. Common disorders include insomnia and sleep apnea, costing $16 billion in medical costs annually. Sleep deprivation can lead to falling asleep while driving and weight gain. We spend two hours dreaming each night. An estimated 40 […]

What’s chronic dialysis?

Dialysis is a procedure that removes fluid, electrolytes, and waste products from the blood when the kidneys fail. Chronic dialysis is needed for end-stage renal disease (ESRD), which is often caused by diabetes or hypertension. There are two main types of chronic dialysis: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Patients on chronic dialysis must follow a strict […]

Chronic hyperventilation: what is it?

Chronic hyperventilation, or excessive breathing, can lead to hyperventilation syndrome (HVS), which can be caused by psychological or physiological conditions. HVS can cause respiratory acidosis and narrowing of blood vessels, leading to neurological deficits. Treatment includes respiratory retraining and seeking medical attention. Chronic hyperventilation is the physical act of constantly breathing in more air than […]

Chronic Toxicity: What is it?

Chronic toxicity is dangerous over an extended period of exposure, unlike acute toxicity. Substances that appear safe can cause toxicity to develop over time. Toxins can cause chronic toxicity by harming the body through small exposures or lingering in the body. Organisms can be exposed to compounds that cause chronic toxicity through ingestion, absorption, or […]

Chronic Depression: What is it?

Chronic depression, lasting at least two years, affects an estimated 3.3 million people in the US alone. It can be caused by genetic predisposition, chemical imbalance, emotional trauma, and intense stress. Symptoms include mood swings, poor self-image, and apathy. Treatment may include medication and psychotherapy. The persistent presentation of mild depressive symptoms that has lasted […]

What’s chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis?

Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis is a harmless condition affecting mucous membranes and skin, but can become life-threatening for those with compromised immunity. Diagnosis is made through visual examination and laboratory tests. Treatment involves antifungal medication, immunotherapy, and topical creams. Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CMC) is an infectious disease associated with exposure to the yeast Candida albicans (C. […]

What’s a chronic wound?

Chronic wounds can lead to serious medical complications, including limb loss or death. They can occur in people with limited range of motion or conditions such as neuropathy. Treatment includes wound care, regular dressing changes, and antibiotics to fight infection. Pain management is also important. A chronic wound is a wound that fails to heal […]

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