How to become a chronic pain doctor?

To become a chronic pain doctor, study science-related fields in college, apply to medical schools with strong chronic pain training, consider a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree, and specialize in chronic pain treatment. On-the-job training helps acclimate new physicians to the challenging environment of sick and terminally ill patients. To become a chronic pain doctor, […]

What’s chronic atrophic acrodermatitis?

Chronic atrophic acrodermatitis is a skin condition caused by Lyme disease, characterized by skin atrophy, fibrosis, and peripheral neuropathies. Diagnosis requires serologic testing and skin biopsy, and treatment includes antibiotics and rehabilitation therapy. Chronic atrophic acrodermatitis (ACA) is a skin condition during the latter stages of Lyme disease, or Lyme borreliosis, caused by the infectious […]

What’s Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a debilitating disease that is often misdiagnosed or not taken seriously by doctors. Symptoms include severe fatigue, lack of stamina, and inability to concentrate. There is no cure, but treatment is available to relieve symptoms. A difficult-to-diagnose disease perceptible by extreme exhaustion, chronic fatigue syndrome can often become debilitating for its […]

Epstein-Barr and chronic fatigue: any link?

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is linked to chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which can cause cognitive impairment, swollen lymph nodes, and extreme tiredness. There is no cure, but symptom management and proactive measures can help prevent symptoms from worsening. Diagnosis is made after an extensive consultation and physical exam, ruling out other conditions. Treatment focuses on balancing […]

What’s Chronic Malnutrition?

Chronic malnutrition in early childhood can lead to health problems later in life, even with adequate nutrition later on. Infants between 8 and 20 months are particularly vulnerable. Malnourished individuals may develop more slowly, remain physically small, and show signs of poor nutrition. Nutrition education, food fortification, and assistance are needed to tackle chronic malnutrition. […]

What’s chronic hypertension?

Chronic hypertension during pregnancy can increase risks for both mother and fetus, including heart problems, kidney and liver issues, bleeding disorders, and premature birth. Preeclampsia, characterized by high blood pressure and kidney dysfunction, can also lead to complications and may require delivery of the baby. Adequate prenatal care and medication can help manage chronic hypertension. […]

Chronic indigestion: what is it?

Chronic indigestion is diagnosed when symptoms occur for at least one week per month for several months. It has various causes, including stress and poor diet, and may require medical attention if caused by an underlying disease. Symptoms include bloating, heartburn, and nausea. Treatment includes dietary changes, stress reduction, and medication, but may require further […]

Causes of chronic stomach pain?

Persistent stomach pain can be caused by various factors, including ulcerative colitis, pancreatic or liver cancer, diverticulitis, and endometriosis. It can also be caused by gallstones or viral gastroenteritis. Diagnosis and treatment are necessary to reduce the severity of pain and other symptoms. Persistent stomach pain can be caused by a number of factors, such […]

Chronic gastritis: what is it?

Chronic gastritis is inflammation of the stomach lining caused by infection, injury, overuse of anti-inflammatory drugs, or chronic health conditions. Symptoms include loss of appetite, dull aches, and nausea. Treatment depends on the underlying cause and may include antibiotics, prescription drugs, and lifestyle changes. Chronic gastritis refers to long-term or recurring episodes of stomach inflammation. […]

Chronic tonsillitis: what is it?

Chronic tonsillitis causes constant inflammation and pain in the throat and jaw due to recurring viral or bacterial infections. Surgery is often needed to relieve symptoms and prevent future infections. The condition is common in children and adults, and is diagnosed by a doctor or dentist. A tonsillectomy is a common treatment with a high […]

What’s chronic leukemia?

Chronic leukemia affects white blood cells and progresses slowly, unlike acute leukemia. It is caused by a mutated white blood cell that reproduces and invades the body. There are two types: CLL and CML. The three stages are chronic, accelerated, and explosive. Treatment includes chemotherapy and prescription drugs. Early diagnosis is crucial for successful treatment. […]

Chronic gout: what is it?

Chronic gout is caused by a buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints, leading to pain and inflammation. Purines, found in certain foods, can contribute to excess uric acid. Treatment includes rest, anti-inflammatory drugs, and long-term management of uric acid levels through medication and diet. Chronic gout is a recurring form of arthritis caused […]

Chronic vs. acute medical conditions: what’s the difference?

Acute medical conditions are sudden and short-lived, while chronic conditions last a long time and develop slowly. Some diseases can start as acute and become chronic, and chronic conditions can be caused by an initial acute injury. Good medical intervention can prevent acute conditions from becoming chronic. There is some misunderstanding when doctors or laypeople […]

Chronic Fibrosis: what is it?

Fibrosis is the buildup of fibrous tissue in the body, which can be chronic or acute. Trauma and genetics are common causes, with cystic fibrosis being a well-known chronic form. Treatment focuses on managing symptoms, with hope for better treatments or a cure in the future. Fibrosis refers to the excessive buildup of fibrous tissue […]

Causes of chronic calf pain?

Chronic calf pain can be caused by muscle injuries, tendonitis, cramping, cysts, or blood clots. Treatment options include rest, ice, compression, elevation, stretching, exercise, and corrective footwear. More serious cases may require medical attention or surgery. The most common cause of chronic calf pain is a muscle injury, which can cause inflammation, strains, or tears […]

What’s a chronic cough?

Chronic coughs can cause exhaustion, insomnia, and disruption to daily life. They are often caused by underlying issues such as acid reflux, allergies, or asthma. Women and smokers are more at risk. A doctor can diagnose and treat the cause, with treatments including antihistamines, inhalers, and acid-reducing medications. While a normal cough may be a […]

What’s chronic nephritis?

Glomerulonephritis is a kidney disease caused by a variety of factors, including immune system problems and allergic reactions to medications. Symptoms include blood and foamy urine, edema, and abdominal discomfort. Risk factors include family history of diabetes or cancer, exposure to hydrocarbon solvents, and frequent infections. If left untreated, it can lead to death. Glomerulonephritis, […]

What’s chronic ischemic heart disease?

Chronic ischemic heart disease is caused by restricted blood supply to the heart muscle, often due to coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis. Risk factors include smoking, diabetes, and aging. Symptoms include chest pain, difficulty breathing, and heart failure. Treatment involves lifestyle changes and medication. Chronic ischemic heart disease is a medical condition that results in […]

What’s chronic myelomonocytic leukemia?

Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) is a condition where the body produces too many immature white blood cells, causing problems such as anemia, infection, and bleeding. It is more common in older males and can be caused by environmental factors, chemicals, radiation, and certain anticancer drugs. There are two types of CMML, which are distinguished by […]

Symptoms of chronic idiopathic urticaria?

Chronic idiopathic urticaria is a skin condition characterized by recurring hives that can be itchy, painful, and disfiguring. It can also cause angioedema and depression. There is no known cure, and outbreaks can occur unpredictably. Chronic idiopathic urticaria is an ongoing skin condition whose primary symptom is hives on the skin, typically on the face […]

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