What’s clay brick?

Clay brick is a popular building material used in construction worldwide. The process of making bricks has remained largely unchanged for thousands of years, with clay mixed with water and an aggregate before being fired in a kiln. Brick is valued for its insulating properties, durability, and attractiveness. While other materials have been developed as […]

What’s a vitrified clay pipe?

Vitrified clay pipes are made by exposing dried clay to high temperatures, making them hard and inert. They have excellent chemical resistance and are ideal for sewage systems, trenchless pipe installations, and other processes. They have a predicted service life of over 100 years and are less prone to compression failure and more rigid than […]

Clay Chicken Tortilla Soup?

Crock-Pot Chicken Tortilla Soup is a slow-cooked Mexican-inspired soup made with chicken, chili peppers, vegetables, and tortilla pieces. It can be adapted to different taste preferences and can have a thick texture from cheese or cream. It is often served with sour cream and fried tortilla strips. Crock-Pot Chicken Tortilla Soup is a dish made […]

What’s a clay pit?

Clay pits are mines set up to access raw clay for products like bricks and ceramics. They can be profitable, but can also alter natural landscapes and become dangerous when abandoned. However, abandoned clay pits can be repurposed as public spaces like parks and recreation areas. Making products such as bricks, concrete and ceramics requires […]

What are Mesopotamia’s clay tablets?

Mesopotamia, the birthplace of modern civilization, used clay tablets dating back to 3,500 BC to record the first writings. The tablets span 3,000 years and offer insight into early civilization, including the famous Epic of Gilgamesh. The Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative aims to digitally archive images and translations of tablets dating from 3,350 BC onward. […]

Clay tablets in Mesopotamia?

Clay tablets from Mesopotamia, dating back to 3,500 BC, were used to record mankind’s first writings. Mesopotamia is believed to be the birthplace of modern civilization, with the great city of Ur founded around 4,000 BC. The clay tablets span a period of 3,000 years, are written in several languages, and provide a fascinating window […]

What’s Clay Pot Cooking?

Cooking in unglazed terracotta pots is an ancient technique that dates back to Roman times and has become increasingly popular today. Clay pot cooking is healthier as it doesn’t require oils and retains all nutrients. Crock-pot cooking requires a higher oven temperature and takes longer to cook. Clay pots should be soaked before use and […]

What’s a clay pot?

The Crock-Pot is an electric slow cooker that replaces cast iron Dutch ovens and can maintain a constant temperature for even cooking. It originated from the Naxon Beanery multi-cooker and was reintroduced by Rival Industries in 1971. The Crock-Pot has evolved to include digital timers, temperature settings, and removable pots. Crock-Pot recipes are widely available, […]

Polymer Clay Nanocomposites: What Are They?

Polymer clay nanocomposites combine polymers with clay nanoparticles to create materials with unique properties. They have high flame resistance and are stronger and more elastic than regular composites. The choice of clay and polymer is important for maximum benefit. They are used in various industries, including the production of industrial belts and soft drink bottles. […]

What’s organic clay?

Organoclay, made from bentonite and quaternary amines, is used for water and wastewater treatment. Its chemical properties allow it to dissolve hydrocarbons and attract organic molecules, making it efficient for removing oil and grease. It is also used for groundwater treatment and can be used as a plastic additive to increase strength and flame retardancy. […]

Clay Minerals: What are they?

Clay minerals are part of the phyllosilicate family and can be classified into four categories: kaolinites, illites, smectites, and vermiculites. They can hold or release water, turn into plastic, expand, and form crystals. The minerals are usually mixed with other forms of clay or crystal. They are used in various industries as fillers. Clay minerals […]

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