What is Mary King’s Close?

Mary King’s Close, located off Edinburgh’s Royal Mile, is a haunted 17th century street that was quarantined during the plague. It has become a popular tourist attraction, known for its ghost stories and original buildings. The most famous ghost is said to be 10-year-old Annie, who died of the plague. Despite its dark history, it […]

Cyborgs: how close are we?

Cyborgs, defined as humans integrated with machine parts, already exist with implants like pacemakers. However, science fiction cyborgs with enhanced bones, muscles, and sensory organs have not been achieved yet. Research towards this development has been ongoing for decades, with billions of dollars in research funds going towards enabling technologies. The humanitarian value is incalculable, […]

What’s a Close Corp Plan?

Close corporation plans allow surviving shareholders to purchase the shares of a deceased shareholder, with prearranged agreements and insurance policies used to facilitate the process. These plans help maintain the balance of shares among shareholders and prevent outside entities from attempting a takeover. Close corporation plans are prearranged agreements that make it possible for surviving […]

What’s a financial close?

Financial close ensures all necessary events and conditions related to a financial deal or process have been met, allowing for curtailments to be taken into account. It ensures financial documents are in order before moving on to the next accounting period, providing a clear understanding of available resources. Companies can manage the process internally or […]

Do people have many close friends?

Anthropologist Robin Dunbar’s theory of “Dunbar’s number” proposes that people can only handle about 150 social relationships at a time. Recent research shows that within that circle, people have on average only five close friends, with 10 others one step away from being “close” and 35 others they are closer to than the remaining 100 […]

What’s a “close shave”?

“Close shave” is an English idiom that refers to narrowly avoiding an undesirable situation, such as bodily harm or a failed romantic encounter. Its origin is debatable, but it may have originated from barbers providing medical treatments. The term has been used for decades to describe lucky escapes. “A close shave” is one of many […]

Close Corp Plan: What is it?

Close corporation plans allow surviving shareholders to purchase the outstanding stock of a deceased shareholder. Life insurance policies can aid in the process, with two types available. Premiums cannot be deducted as a business expense, but death benefits do not carry a tax liability. This plan helps maintain stability and prevent outside entities from attempting […]

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