Menstrual clotting: risky?

Changes in menstrual bleeding, such as heavy bleeding, clotting, and lower back pain, could indicate a medical condition that requires attention. Heavy bleeding and clotting during pregnancy could be a sign of a dangerous condition, while uterine fibroids, medication, weight changes, and perimenopause can also cause clotting. Women should see a doctor if they experience […]

What’s clotting?

Blood clotting prevents excessive bleeding from injuries and is triggered by platelets sticking together and releasing messengers. Deficiencies in clotting factors can cause bleeding disorders like hemophilia, which affects males. Thrombocytopenia, low platelet count, can also affect clotting, and some medications like blood thinners can impact it. Blood clotting refers to the process that causes […]

Causes of blood clotting?

Blood clotting is a normal bodily function that helps heal damaged arteries and veins, but abnormal clot development can be caused by trauma, obesity, genetics, and long-term contraceptive use. Lack or delay in clotting is life-threatening, while excessive clotting can cause organ damage. Genetic or acquired triggers can cause abnormal clot formation, with thrombophilia causing […]

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