What’s Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing emerged in 2007, allowing services to be moved to the internet instead of being stored on a local computer. Companies like Google and Microsoft are experimenting with cloud-based programs, while smaller companies offer cloud-based services. The goal is to make the technology user-friendly and simple. Concerns about storing personal data in the cloud […]

What’s a Cloud Model?

The term “cloud model” can refer to the electron cloud model or cloud computing. The electron cloud model uses the Schrödinger equation to locate electrons in a hydrogen atom. Cloud computing is a way of allocating resources over the internet, allowing entities to avoid capital expenditures and pay only for what they use. However, it […]

What’s a magnetic cloud?

Magnetic clouds are a type of coronal mass ejection from the Sun that can cause disturbances in Earth’s magnetosphere and ionosphere, affecting aurora displays, satellites, communication systems, and power grids. They occur frequently and can be predicted up to one day in advance. NASA spacecraft have been used to monitor magnetic clouds since the 1970s. […]

What’s cloud point?

Petroleum is made up of hydrocarbons in various states, including crude oil and natural gas. The refining process produces usable products such as diesel, gasoline, and heating oil. Each product has a specific cloud point temperature at which wax crystals form, which can cause damage to engines and equipment. Standardized testing methods, such as constant […]

What’s Cloud Computing Arch.?

Cloud computing architecture consists of interconnected servers, storage systems, and control nodes. The front-end is the client computer, and the back-end consists of application servers, data storage, and control nodes. APIs are used for communication, and redundancy is built into the data storage component. Application servers and control nodes are also important components. Cloud computing […]

How to be a cloud architect?

To become a cloud architect, one needs a technical bachelor’s degree, knowledge of virtualization, programming languages, and protocols, and at least two years of experience with open source technologies and SaaS frameworks. Additional certifications can provide a competitive edge in the market. A person who wants to become a cloud architect will need to have […]

What’s a cumulonimbus cloud?

Cumulonimbus clouds are large and can indicate severe weather conditions such as lightning, heavy rain, and strong winds. They form from rising warm air that cools and creates ice at higher elevations, and rain at lower levels. Thunderstorms can occur as a single cloud formation or aligned along a frontal boundary. Cumulonimbus clouds go through […]

Meaning of ‘every cloud has a silver lining’?

The phrase “every cloud has a silver lining” means that there is something positive in every situation. It encourages people to look for the good things that may have come out of a bad situation. The phrase was first written by John Milton in 1634 and remains commonly used today. However, it’s important to be […]

What’s intended by FinOps?

FinOps is a set of practices, principles, and tools to optimize cloud spending by aligning IT, finance, and business teams. The term “FinOps” is short for Financial Operations. It involves the collaboration between these departments to help reduce costs, improve the efficiency of cloud spending, and achieve better financial visibility into cloud usage. Examples of […]

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