Codependency symptoms?

Codependency involves an excessive need to care for others at the expense of oneself, sacrificing happiness and well-being. Symptoms include an excessive need to please others, a need to control others, and being in harmful relationships. Help can be found through therapy or support groups. Symptoms of codependency and codependent behavior often revolve around an […]

Best sources for codependency support?

Codependency support can be found through counseling, online and offline support groups, self-help resources, and conversation/journaling. Twelve-step support groups like CoDA and Al-Anon/Alateen are also available. Codependency develops from childhood and recovery can be painful, so support is important. The best sources of codependency support include exploration and education about the causes of dysfunctional relationships […]

Compassion vs. Codependency: What’s the Difference?

Compassionate people empathize with others while taking care of their own needs, while codependent individuals prioritize others’ feelings over their own. Codependency is linked to a lack of personal boundaries and low self-esteem, while compassion is a virtue that respects personal boundaries. Codependent individuals may lack compassion for themselves and seek approval from others. The […]

Addiction & codependency: what’s the link?

Codependency and addiction are often linked, with codependency being an addiction to an addict and the healing and enabling that a codependent person experiences with the addict. The codependent helps the addict stay addicted, and with each act of enabling, the codependent only increases their dependence on the relationship. Many people who develop addictions later […]

Narcissism & codependency: what’s the link?

Narcissism and codependency stem from dysfunctional childhood experiences. Narcissists have an exaggerated sense of superiority and seek attention, while codependents enter relationships and become emotionally dependent. Both disorders cause an unrealistic self-image and can be treated with psychotherapy and drug therapy. Narcissism and codependency are behaviors characterized by the fact that the patient has an […]

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