Coldest Winter Olympics ever in PyeongChang 2018?

The 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea may break records for cold temperatures, with average February temperatures around 0 degrees Celsius during the day and around -10 degrees Celsius at night. The city is located in one of the coldest regions of South Korea and is the coldest place on Earth for its latitude. […]

Coldest star’s temperature?

WISE 1828+2650 is the coldest known star at 80°F, while CFBDSIR 1458 10b is the second coolest at 200°F. These stars are brown dwarfs and too small to initiate nuclear fusion. Most visible stars rotate in binary pairs. The coldest known star is “WISE 1828+2650,” which is about 80°F (about 24°C), making it cooler than […]

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