What’s a collective bargaining plan?

Collective bargaining plans are agreements between employees and employers, often facilitated by unions, that address common interests such as retirement plans and benefits. Strikes may occur if negotiations become difficult, but ideally, a balance is achieved between employee wants and employer capabilities. Collectively negotiated plans are agreements that are reached between employees and a group […]

What’s collective intelligence?

Collective intelligence is when a group of individuals work together towards a common goal, exhibiting more intellectual and problem-solving resources than smaller groups or individuals. Openly sharing thoughts and ideas, subject to criticism and modification, is key. The internet has advanced humanity’s capacity for collective intelligence. Collective intelligence, also known as shared intelligence, is an […]

What’s the Collective Unconscious?

The collective unconscious is a concept developed by Carl Jung, consisting of shared universal ideas that influence human behavior and thinking. It is believed to be a legacy inherited from society over thousands of years and plays a role in mythology and symbolism. The personal unconscious and collective unconscious interact to influence society, and some […]

What’s collective behavior?

Collective behavior is an unorganized group action or event that lacks structure or obvious indicators. It can produce social change and includes mass hysteria, riots, and fads. Sociologists seek answers about how it evolves and mechanisms to control it. Collective behavior refers to an action, process or event that emerges spontaneously in an unorganized group. […]

What’s a collective work?

Collective works involve contributions from multiple artists and have specific copyright laws. Artists can sign away their rights or grant one-off use for a fee. There are two forms of collective copyrights, one for the compiler and one for individual contributors. It is important to know the laws of the country and seek legal guidance […]

What’s collective effervescence?

Collective effervescence is a powerful emotional reaction that occurs when a group of people experience something together. It can produce positive experiences, such as religious or sporting events, or negative experiences, such as riots. Key elements for collective effervescence to work include a single focus and a motivating force. The group personality determines the outcome, […]

What’s a collective labor agreement?

Collective bargaining agreements are employment contracts negotiated between trade unions and company representatives. They include terms such as wages, working hours, and safety considerations. If negotiations fail, unions can threaten to strike, and the government may mediate. Union membership gives access to union benefits, and negotiations for a new agreement involve worker and union representative […]

What’s collective punishment?

Collective punishment is when a group is punished for the actions of one or a few individuals. It is often used in times of war and can lead to the targeting and extermination of entire communities. This type of punishment also occurs in milder forms, such as racial profiling. The Geneva Conventions recognize collective punishment […]

What’s a collective investment scheme?

A collective investment scheme involves multiple participants pooling resources to invest in a project, maximizing returns and allowing individuals to participate in investments they couldn’t manage alone. Examples include property and securities, with investors sharing both risk and benefits. A collective investment scheme is an approach to investing in a given project that involves multiple […]

What’s Collective Intelligence?

Collective intelligence is an emergent property of groups, not limited to humans, that exhibit greater overall brainpower and problem-solving abilities. For this to manifest, group members must openly share their thoughts and ideas subject to criticism and modifications. The Internet has rapidly advanced humanity’s capacity for collective intelligence. Collective intelligence, also known as shared intelligence, […]

What’s collective consciousness?

Collective consciousness is the shared knowledge and beliefs of a group, allowing for common goals and attitudes. It is a primary factor behind human group activity and arises from positive and negative pressure on individuals. The concept of a collective unconscious, proposed by psychologist CJ Jung, suggests that some human concepts are inherited rather than […]

What’s a Collective Noun?

Collective nouns refer to groups of animals, objects, or people and generally use a singular verb. English has specialized collective nouns for each animal species, which are often unusual and humorous. Some writers create their own collective nouns for objects or people based on venery terms. A collective noun is a word that refers to […]

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