Which country tops in college graduates?

Russia has the highest percentage of university graduates in the world, followed by Canada, Israel, and Japan. The US ranks 12th, with less than 40% of the population holding a bachelor’s degree or higher. US college statistics show low completion rates and a significant need for remedial education. Income inequality affects college success rates. Russia […]

College attendance & degree types: how they’ve changed.

College attendance in the US increased by 50% between 1986 and 2011, with most new entrants studying humanities. The number of students in STEM fields has remained the same or decreased, and 40% of graduates end up in jobs that don’t require a degree. Disciplines with the best job placement include education, engineering, math, and […]

US’s oddest college trend?

Harvard student Lothrop Withington Jr. ate a live goldfish in 1939, starting a trend of goldfish swallowing contests across the US. The fad was eventually banned by universities and municipalities. After bragging that he once ate a live fish, fellow Harvard students called Lothrop Withington Jr.’s bluff and bet him $10 USD that he couldn’t […]

Types of community college classes?

Community colleges offer a wide range of classes in fields such as math, science, humanities, and business certifications. They offer degree and certificate programs, as well as community enrichment classes. The classes are usually dictated by demand and fall into three categories: degree program classes, commerce classes, and enrichment classes. Community colleges are often referred […]

What’s the Electoral College?

The Electoral College is a system in which representatives from each state vote on behalf of the state’s population during a presidential election. Each state gets a set number of voters based on population, and a candidate must receive a majority of 270 votes to win. The system is overseen by the Office of the […]

How to write college cover letter?

A college cover letter should focus on how the applicant’s skills and accomplishments fit the specific institution they are applying to. It should be free of typos and written about the institution, not the applicant. The letter should be concise and highlight relevant academic achievements and volunteer experience. Writing a college cover letter should be […]

Critiques of Electoral College?

The Electoral College determines the outcome of US presidential races based on the number of senators and representatives in each state. Critics argue that it can result in a candidate winning the election without winning the popular vote and that it gives more power to states with more electoral votes. Some suggest abolishing it in […]

Types of Bible college accreditation?

Bible college accreditation varies by jurisdiction, with some countries accrediting through government agencies and others through private third-party accreditors. In the US, Bible colleges are typically accredited by specialized accrediting agencies, such as TRACS or ABHE. Accreditation involves a self-study and field visits to determine if the school meets standards. Some denominations recognize education from […]

What’s a College of Arms?

A college of arms oversees the granting of heraldic material and genealogical information, with the British College of Arms being the most famous. Heralds determine eligibility for a coat of arms and descendants or those who make major contributions to society may be granted one. Fees are paid by applicants, but a government-appointed official has […]

Types of college admission essays?

College admission essays come in three types: candidate essays, essays about why the candidate wants to attend a specific school, and creative writing essays. All essays should be well researched, well thought out, and checked for proper grammar and spelling. Candidate essays should cover a unique achievement or experience and show how the applicant has […]

What % of Americans have college degrees?

Around 30% of Americans over 25 have a college degree, but over half have some college education. The number of American adults with a college degree has increased fourfold since the 1950s, with more having a bachelor’s degree. Asian Americans are more likely to have a bachelor’s degree than any other ethnicity, and women earn […]

Best Ayurveda college selection tips?

When choosing an Ayurveda college, students should consider location, accreditation, cost, program length, and specific interests. Ayurveda is a traditional Indian health system that includes yoga, massage, diet, herbs, and mind-body types. Accreditation, course offerings, and internships are important, as well as the cost and length of the program. Many factors must be considered when […]

What’s a college deferral?

Receiving a college deferment means a student has not been accepted for early admission but is still being considered. It can be an opportunity to improve their application or start looking at other options. Contacting admissions and remaining professional can help demonstrate maturity. Receiving a college deferment can occur when a college applicant attempts to […]

College nutritionist’s role?

College nutritionists provide dietary advice and guidance to students and campus food service teams. They review menus for nutritional soundness and can develop specialized menus for students with specific dietary needs. They also offer support services for weight loss and eating disorders and may provide educational programs for the campus. A college nutritionist, also known […]

What to expect from community college admissions?

The community college admissions process involves an application, placement tests, document submission, meetings with an academic advisor and financial assistance officer, registering for classes, paying tuition, and obtaining a student ID card. Students must provide personal information, transcripts, and may need to take placement tests. Academic advisors provide guidance on course selection and financial aid […]

What to expect from Engineering College Admissions?

Engineering college admissions departments seek well-rounded students with strong math and science backgrounds, high grades, and above-average scores on standardized exams. Extracurricular activities and an essay may also be considered. Prerequisites include calculus and physics courses. There are literally thousands of universities offering engineering courses across the world. Engineering college admissions departments seek to recruit […]

What’s the Old Royal Navy College?

The Old Royal Navy College in Greenwich, London, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site with Baroque architecture designed by Sir Christopher Wren. The Painted Hall and Chapel feature naval and classical Greek imagery, with trompe l’oeil painting and a black and white marble floor. The site is open to visitors, with guided tours available. The […]

Best college cybersecurity tips?

College computer security involves deleting temporary data, logging off shared computers, and enabling passwords on personal computers. Public computers should not save passwords and files should be deleted. Students should be familiar with their school’s cybersecurity policies to avoid punitive actions. There are a number of different considerations that someone should keep in mind when […]

Best college laptops?

When buying a laptop for college, consider factors like price, features, weight, and durability. Research reviews and consider refurbished models. Choose based on curriculum needs and consider weight and durability for portability. Don’t sacrifice system requirements for aesthetics. Buying a laptop is a major investment for many students who will be using the machine on […]

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