Comet or asteroid: what’s the difference?

Comets have tails and elongated orbits, while asteroids have circular orbits and merge into belts. Comets’ tails and coma are generated by solar heating, while asteroids are dry. Most comets originate from the Oort cloud, while asteroids are within the solar system’s “snow line.” There are several important differences between comets and asteroids, although the […]

Comet or meteor? What’s the difference?

Comets and meteors are different celestial objects. Comets are made of space dust and frozen gases, while meteors are pieces of rock or debris. Comets follow an orbit and release a trail of dust particles, while meteors enter the Earth’s atmosphere and burn up. Comets rarely pass close to Earth, while meteors can enter the […]

What’s Comet Hale Bopp?

Comet Hale Bopp, discovered by Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp in 1995, was the brightest and best-witnessed comet of the 20th century, visible for 18 months. Its passing caused excitement and controversy, with some believing it marked the arrival of an alien spacecraft. The passage of a comet often creates excitement among many people. One […]

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