What’s the Truth & Reconciliation Commission?

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission was established in South Africa after apartheid to uncover the truth and heal the rift between black and white South Africans. It had three committees dealing with human rights violations, reparation and rehabilitation, and amnesty. Some criticized the commission for focusing on reconciliation rather than retribution, but others saw it […]

US Atomic Energy Commission: What was it?

The Atomic Energy Commission was established in 1946 to direct the research, development, and production of nuclear weapons and the peaceful uses of atomic energy. It was responsible for developing nuclear reactors for civilian and military purposes and overseeing the safety of the nuclear industry. In 1974, it was abolished due to conflicts between its […]

Nat’l Targets Commission: what is it?

The President’s Commission on National Goals set 15 goals for the US to work towards over 10 years, addressing both internal and external problems. It aimed to determine American foreign policy, improve social conditions, and allocate government funds to benefit Americans. The President’s Commission on National Goals was an independent body that set out to […]

What’s the Fed Energy Reg Commission?

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) regulates interstate transmission of electricity, natural gas, and oil. It has broad regulatory powers, including permitting and inspection of hydroelectric projects, monitoring energy markets, and enforcing reliability standards. FERC is an independent agency within the Department of Energy, with four members appointed by the US president. It recoups its […]

What’s the Hoover Commission?

The Hoover Commission was formed in 1947 to recommend ways to make the US government operate more efficiently. It was a joint effort between Presidents Truman and Hoover, who shared a belief in reducing government waste. The commission looked at various aspects of government, including military and intelligence organizations, and made recommendations such as adopting […]

What’s the Pardon Commission?

The Grace Commission, established by President Reagan in 1982, aimed to identify areas of waste and inefficiency in the US federal government. The commission’s findings and recommendations, which included 2,478 suggestions to eliminate wasteful practices, were largely ignored by Congress despite the estimated savings of $429.4 billion. The reports produced by the commission were disputed […]

What’s a Planning Commission?

A planning commission oversees urban planning, controlling growth, promoting economic health, and improving citizens’ quality of life. The concept of civil planning is ancient, and many nations impose a planning commission to regulate growth. Members are appointed by elected officials and evaluate proposals for building permits, variants, ordinances, and zoning changes. The public’s impact is […]

What’s a tender commission?

A tender is a government division that manages public procurement. It sets out requirements for the procurement process, determines conditions, commissions, price, and timing. The process helps prevent corruption and waste and ensures fair access to public contracts. Developed countries have more established tendering regulations, while developing countries may give preference to local companies. A […]

US Health Commission: What was it?

The United States Sanitary Commission was established during the American Civil War to organize women’s efforts to support the Union Army. It modeled its structure on the British Sanitary Commission and oversaw fundraising and initiatives for soldiers. The organization had a significant impact on the war effort and the role of women in the country. […]

What’s a Legal Commission?

Legal commissions advise on legislative reform by examining topics of interest and making recommendations. They may review existing legislation, identify outdated laws, and suggest new laws. Members need extensive experience and expertise in different areas of law to be effective. A legislative commission is an advisory body that assists nations in legal reform by examining […]

What’s a commission broker’s job?

Commission brokers facilitate the purchase or sale of products or services for a fee. They include financial brokers, insurance brokers, real estate brokers, and mortgage brokers. Financial brokers offer a range of financial services, while insurance brokers offer various types of insurance coverage. Real estate agents negotiate the sale of properties, and mortgage brokers help […]

What’s the Int’l Law Commission?

The International Law Commission (ILC) is a UN entity that aims to unify and codify international law through regular meetings, adoption of rules, and publication of reports. Its mission is to promote the “progressive development” of laws and encourage countries to agree on complementary regulations. The ILC was created in the late 1940s after the […]

What’s a gambling commission?

A gambling commission is a government agency that regulates and oversees gaming and gambling activities. They grant licenses to businesses and ensure that policies are followed to prevent cheating. They oversee a variety of activities, including electronic arcade games and horse racing betting. A gambling commission is typically a government agency or office created to […]

Prospector’s commission agreement: what to include?

A written and signed contract is essential for a finder’s commission agreement. The agreement should include the commission percentage, when the commission will be earned, and how payment will be made. Negotiations with the seller determine the final commission amount. A lawyer should draft and notarize the agreement. A finder’s commission agreement should be viewed […]

Factors impacting real estate broker commission?

Real estate brokers are paid by commission and factors such as local laws, sale price, and number of agents can affect their commission. Laws limit commissions to protect consumers, and fees are split evenly between brokers. In some countries, sellers pay the commission, while in others, buyers or both parties may pay. Critics argue that […]

What’s the Warren Commission?

The Warren Commission was established by President Lyndon B. Johnson to investigate the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The commission, led by Chief Justice Earl Warren, heard from 552 witnesses and determined that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in the assassination. The commission found no evidence of conspiracy and presented its findings to the […]

What’s the Authority Commission?

An authority commission is a document used by insurance companies to specify the powers assigned to agents, subject to following policies and procedures. It helps agents understand their limits and can prevent problems for the company. Violations can result in suspension, sanctions, or litigation. A commission of authority is a process typically used by insurance […]

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