Why did communism fail in Eastern Europe?

Communism failed in Eastern Europe due to corruption, mismanagement, and oppression. Civil unrest ensued, and the appeal of a free market society led to the end of Soviet communist rule. Glasnost allowed for local leaders and the creation of new economic systems. Communism has failed in Eastern European countries for the same reasons it routinely […]

Socialism vs communism: what’s the difference?

Socialism and communism both have publicly owned means of production, but differ in distribution of resources. Socialism allocates based on contribution, while communism allocates based on needs. Both aim to prevent negative effects of capitalism. Communism seeks statelessness and classlessness, while socialism sees capitalism as a stepping stone to the ideal state. Socialism and communism […]

What’s Communism?

Communism seeks to create a classless society by abolishing private property and sharing goods equally. While it may seem like a good idea, in practice it often leads to authoritarian rule, corruption, and a focus on production at the expense of the arts. Human greed also undermines the system, making capitalism a more effective option. […]

What’s global communism?

World communism is the ultimate goal of Marxist philosophy, where a global society based on common ownership and shared resources replaces all national entities. Marxist theory, championed by the USSR, calls for the elimination of class differences through common ownership. The spread of world communism was opposed by democratic nations, and even among Communists, there […]

Is communism feasible?

Communism has been widely condemned since the collapse of the Soviet Union, but some aspects of it, such as public ownership of essential services, have proven practical. In its purest form, communism was a practical alternative to capitalism during the early days of the industrial revolution. However, the concept of every worker finding work according […]

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