China’s religious composition?

China has over 100 million believers, but it’s hard to estimate the percentage of each religion due to government discouragement. Folk religions, Taoism, Buddhism, Islam, Catholicism, and Protestantism are recognized religions in China, but some face hostility from the government. Ancestor worship is popular but not officially considered a religion. Shamans are respected as part […]

India’s religious composition?

India has a diverse religious makeup, with around 80% of the population being Hindu. Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism also have devoted followers. Imported faiths include Islam, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism. Hinduism is the oldest religion and is polytheistic. Buddhism is atheistic and focuses on meditation. Sikhism is monotheistic and follows the teachings of ten Gurus. Jainism […]

What’s matter’s composition?

Composition of matter is a type of patentable invention, referring to a novel mixture of two or more components, commonly applied to new chemicals. It must meet standards for novelty and can be patented with the process for making it. Patent protection duration varies regionally and internationally, requiring separate applications. In patent law, composition of […]

Sound recording vs. musical composition in copyright law?

Copyright for an audio recording is different from a musical composition. A composition is words and musical notation, while a recording is a form of performance. To register for copyright, a Performing Arts Copyright Form must be submitted. The distinction is important for payment and reproduction rights. Notable musicians have written music without performing it, […]

“Meaning of ‘Composition of Mind’?”

Compos mentis refers to a person’s intact memories, understanding, and decision-making ability. Adults are generally assumed to be compos mentis, but individuals may need to be assessed in healthcare settings. Those who are non compos mentis cannot be held to contracts and may not have understood the risks and consequences of their decisions. Specialists may […]

What’s a Ring Composition?

Ring composition is a rhetorical technique used in ancient oral traditions, where a speaker presents ideas in sequence before returning to the starting point. It is found in classical texts, including the Hebrew Bible and works of John Milton and William Shakespeare. It serves as a mnemonic device and can integrate other aspects of literature. […]

Rhetoric & composition: how are they linked?

Rhetoric and composition deal with effective language use and persuasion, with composition focusing on writing and rhetoric encompassing other contexts. Rhetoric originated in ancient Greece as the study of persuasive public speaking and has expanded to include any clear language. Composition courses teach various types of essay writing, often with a clear purpose. Rhetoric and […]

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