What’s Sheet Molding Compound?

SMC is a glass-reinforced thermosetting polymer resin in sheet form used in compression molding processes. It is made by extruding resin onto a plastic sheet and adding fiberglass, then cured and cut to size. SMC is ideal for molding complex shapes with minimal waste, labor, and scrap. It is commonly used for boat hulls, electrical […]

What’s a Compound Light Microscope?

The compound light microscope is commonly used in laboratories to view specimens on glass slides, magnifying objects up to 2,000 times their actual size. It has an eyepiece, light source, and objective lenses that can magnify specimens four to 100 times. It is used in various areas of science and is an essential tool in […]

Parts of compound microscope?

A compound microscope uses lenses to magnify samples, with objectives, projector lens, and eyepieces responsible for magnification. Illumination and focus are provided by the light source, iris diaphragm, and condenser. The coarse and fine adjustment knobs focus the image, while the stage, arm, and slide base provide support. The light source, iris diaphragm, and condenser […]

What’s a compound fracture?

A compound fracture, where the bone pierces the skin, poses a risk of infection and requires immediate surgical treatment. Cover wounds with sterile gauze and hold the injured person still. Surgery may involve placing screws or plates and healing can take at least two months. Simple fractures can also be complex and require prompt treatment. […]

What’s a Chem Compound?

Chemical compounds are molecules made up of more than one element, with most of the earth’s crust and living organisms being in compound form. Compounds are held together by different chemical bonds, with covalent and ionic bonds being the most common. Noble gases are non-reactive elements. Other types of bonds include metallic bonds and van […]

What’s a compound sentence?

A compound sentence has two independent clauses connected by a conjunction. Coordinating conjunctions, correlative conjunctions, and semicolons can be used. It is different from a simple sentence with one clause and a complex sentence with one dependent and one independent clause. A compound sentence is a sentence that has two independent clauses connected to each […]

What’s a compound noun?

Compound nouns are nouns made up of two or more words, including nouns paired with adverbs, prepositions, or adjectives. They can be closed, open, or hyphenated, and the type determines pluralization rules. Exceptions exist based on word meaning and existing pluralization. Compound nouns are grammatical nouns—that is, a person, place, or thing—that contain at least […]

What’s a complex compound sentence?

A complex sentence has an independent and dependent clause, while a compound sentence has two or more independent clauses joined by a conjunction. A complex compound sentence combines both elements to form a single sentence with at least one dependent clause and two or more independent clauses. In many ways, a sentence composed of complexes […]

What’s a compound verb?

Compound verbs combine two or more words to form a complex predicate, with a main verb and auxiliary verb. They are commonly used in English to indicate time of action, while other languages may use verb conjugation or adverbial phrases. Separable verbs in German are also considered compound verbs. There is debate over whether certain […]

What’s a compound conjunction?

Compound conjunctions connect two words or phrases within a sentence using a phrase instead of a single word. They work similarly to other conjunctions, linking ideas and indicating relationships. Examples include “as well as,” “as,” and “and yet.” A compound conjunction is a phrase used to connect two words or phrases together within a sentence. […]

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