What’s Steady State Conc.?

Steady-state concentration is when there is no change in the amount of a substance in the body or in a chemical process over time. In drug therapy, repeated blood tests are done to determine the constant level of drug needed. Continuous reactors are used in chemical processing to maintain a constant amount of finished product. […]

What’s a conc. gradient?

Concentration gradients occur between areas of high and low concentration. Diffusion and osmosis move particles along or against gradients, while active transport mechanisms move particles against gradients. The concentration of a substance is the number of molecules present in a given volume of liquid or gas. A concentration gradient occurs between an area of ​​high […]

Substrate conc.?

The substrate is the substance that an enzyme acts on, and substrate concentration affects the rate of reactions. Enzymes are specific and form an enzyme-substrate complex. Substrate concentration and enzyme concentration affect the rate of reactions, and the limiting factor is the lowest level. Temperature and pH also affect the rate of reactions. Increasing temperature […]

Solute conc. definition?

Solute concentration is the amount of a solute dissolved in a solvent, measured by weight, volume, or molecular mass. Different methods are used depending on the needs, such as weight percent blend, weight per volume, percent by volume, and molar concentration. Molar concentration is often used in laboratories to accurately determine the amount of material […]

Enzyme conc.?

Enzymes are specific proteins that speed up chemical reactions in the body. Enzyme concentration affects the reaction rate, with low concentrations leading to slow reactions and high concentrations leading to a maximum rate. Enzymes are specific to certain reactions and bind to substrates. The most efficient reaction occurs when all enzyme sites are occupied. Reaction […]

What are iso. conc. forms?

Insulated concrete forms are hollow polystyrene molds that assemble like building blocks to build walls. They combine the benefits of concrete with superior insulation, stability, and environmental friendliness. They are made from recycled materials and have unmatched thermal and acoustic insulation. The molds come in three varieties: blocks, planks, and panels, and can be used […]

Conc. cell: definition?

A concentration cell has two sections with different concentrations connected by a component. When activated, the concentrations equalize, generating a voltage that can be measured using a voltmeter and the Nernst equation. Corrosion can occur due to metal ions, oxygen concentration, and contact with other materials. Concentration cells can be used to measure soil acidity […]

RNA conc.?

RNA concentration is measured to analyze genetic material for diagnostic, research, and forensic purposes. Technicians extract RNA from a sample, process it to limit contamination, and measure it using a spectrophotometer or dye. Low RNA concentration can lead to errors, requiring a new sample or purification. The concentration of ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a measure […]

Conc. Sulfuric Acid: What is it?

Concentrated sulfuric acid is a versatile chemical used for making fertilizers, dyes, and cleaning metals. The contact method is used to produce it. Safety precautions must be taken when working with it, and it can be diluted with water. Concentrated sulfuric acid is a chemical used for multiple purposes by producers and processors. It is […]

Conc. diversification: def.

Concentric diversification is a strategy used by companies to increase market share by introducing new products that attract existing and new customers. The new products may be related to the existing product line, and the goal is to create a coordinated look or variation on a product line to appeal to new markets. This strategy […]

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