Marital conciliation agreement: what is it?

A marriage settlement agreement is a legal agreement between divorced couples that arranges the distribution of assets, child custody, and other legal details. It can be voluntary or mandated by a judge and is enforced by the court. Laws dictate the equitable distribution of assets and child custody. Couples can create their own agreement to […]

What’s Int’l Conciliation?

International conciliation is a voluntary alternative dispute resolution process where a conciliator helps parties reach a resolution before legal action. The conciliator works with each party to develop goals and suggests options, but does not make decisions or judgments. Conciliators should be skilled negotiators and the process differs from arbitration and mediation. International conciliation is […]

What’s Arbitration & Conciliation Law?

The Arbitration and Conciliation Act was introduced in India in 1996 to modernize the Alternative Dispute Resolution policy and align it with UNCITRAL. It has six key features, including court intervention and enforcement of foreign awards. The act was created through an exchange of information between the Indian and US Supreme Courts but has not […]

Arbitration vs. conciliation: what’s the difference?

Arbitration and conciliation are alternative dispute resolution procedures. Arbitration is a legal proceeding where parties meet in court, while conciliation is informal and keeps parties separate. Arbitration agreements are binding, while conciliation resolutions have less legal authority. Both methods have high success rates in resolving disputes. There are several differences between arbitration and conciliation. While […]

Best conciliation service selection tips?

Conciliation services help resolve disputes between parties in a controlled environment, often used for employee-employer or business disputes. It’s important to research the service’s background and strategies, as well as understand the requirements for each party involved. Conciliation services assist in the dispute resolution process by giving two parties a chance to resolve differences in […]

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