What’s a conductivity meter?

A conductivity meter measures the electrical conductivity of ionic solutions using electrodes made of different materials. Temperature probes can be used to note temperature differences. The meter applies an alternating voltage to avoid altering the substance being measured. It can compare conductances between different solutions and help determine resistive capabilities and solution concentration. The technology […]

What’s Elec. Conductivity?

Electrical conductivity measures how well materials allow electrons to flow. Conductivity is the reciprocal of resistivity. Temperature and purity affect conductivity and resistivity. Soil electrical conductivity measures salinity and other soil properties. Impurities affect conductivity differently, with minerals increasing it. Alloys are not useful for conducting electricity. Materials that naturally contain air pockets are good […]

What’s a Conductivity Cell?

A conductivity cell measures the electrical conductivity of a substance. Two and four electrode cells are common, with the cell constant (K) determining the type. Calibration is necessary to account for changes in the cell constant and temperature. Two-electrode cells are supported by most conductivity meters, while four-electrode cells simplify measurement. A complete measuring system […]

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