Top tips for solving global conflicts?

International businesses may encounter disputes that require resolution through arbitration or mediation. These methods are often less costly and time-consuming than traditional court proceedings. An arbitration clause in a contract outlines the procedures for resolving disputes, while mediation involves a third party mediator who suggests non-binding solutions. Both methods are widely accepted for resolving international […]

What are laws conflicts?

Conflict of laws arises when different laws could apply and enforce different outcomes. Conflict-of-laws rules help courts decide which law to apply. This issue arises when a case under state law is heard in federal court. The court must determine which state law should apply based on which legislative body has the strongest interest in […]

Does weather impact conflicts?

Rising temperatures increase the likelihood of conflict, including violence and warfare. A 5°F increase leads to a 4% increase in homicide and 14% increase in warfare. The cause is unknown, but heat may make people more hostile or increase migration and inter-group violence. Humidity affects mood, and global temperatures are predicted to rise by 4°F […]

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