What’s viral conjunctivitis?

Viral conjunctivitis, or pink eye, is a common and self-limiting eye infection that causes swelling, redness, and discomfort. Treatment focuses on relieving symptoms, and antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent secondary bacterial infections. Good hygiene and avoiding sharing personal items can help prevent the spread of the virus. While rare, chronic viral conjunctivitis can occur, […]

What’s bacterial conjunctivitis?

Bacterial conjunctivitis is an infection of the eye caused by contagious bacteria, such as strep or staph. Symptoms include redness, itching, and excessive tears, and treatment usually involves antibiotics. It is common in people of all ages and usually does not cause long-term health problems. Bacterial conjunctivitis is an acute infection of one or both […]

Symptoms of conjunctivitis in kids?

Pinkeye in babies can cause redness, swelling, itching, and discharge from the eyes. It is usually caused by an infection, but can also be due to allergies. Symptoms may be accompanied by a runny nose, cough, or fever. Pinkeye in babies can cause a variety of symptoms, which can vary depending on the underlying cause […]

What’s chronic conjunctivitis?

Chronic conjunctivitis is a long-term eye infection caused by bacteria or inflamed sebaceous glands. Symptoms include redness, irritation, itching, and thick secretions. Treatments include antibiotics and artificial tears. Trachoma, a preventable cause of blindness, is another cause of chronic conjunctivitis. Chronic conjunctivitis is a type of eye infection in the thin layer of tissue that […]

What’s follicular conjunctivitis?

Follicular conjunctivitis is a type of pink eye caused by viruses, bacteria, allergens, or STDs. Symptoms include redness, irritation, and swollen lymph nodes. Treatment involves artificial eye drops and rest, as antibiotics are ineffective. Follicular conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is the membrane that covers the eyeball. When the conjunctiva becomes infected with […]

What’s acute conjunctivitis?

Acute conjunctivitis, or pink eye, is caused by bacteria, viruses, or allergies and results in red or pink eyes, discharge, itching, and sensitivity to light. Treatment depends on the cause and may include antibiotics, antihistamines, or compresses. It is highly contagious and requires avoiding contact with others, throwing away cosmetics and contact lenses, and frequent […]

What’s conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis, or pinkeye, is an inflammation of the conjunctiva caused by viral infections, bacterial infections, or allergies. It is highly contagious and can spread easily in school and home settings. Treatment includes eye drops and antihistamines, and recovery time depends on the underlying cause. Conjunctivitis is more commonly referred to as pinkeye. In this condition, […]

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