What’s “top of mind consciousness”?

“Top of mind awareness” is a marketing strategy that aims to make a company stand out in consumers’ minds to influence purchasing decisions. Consistent communication and relevant information are key, as well as understanding the decision-making process and avoiding becoming a nuisance. Branding is also important for consumer trust and recognition. “Top of mind awareness” […]

Consciousness & cognition: what’s the link?

Consciousness and cognition are difficult to define and test, but are thought to originate in the brain. Self-recognition in a mirror is a sign of consciousness, while cognition involves skills such as problem-solving. Social exchange is also a part of consciousness and cognition, but not a sufficient criterion. The continuity of self-awareness is preserved despite […]

What’s an altered state of consciousness?

Altered states of consciousness can be caused by activities such as sleep, medication, or meditation. They can also occur during dreams, fever, seizures, or mental illness. Some believe altered states can fuel creativity and improve perception. They can be achieved through legal means such as meditation or prayer, but using illegal drugs is not advisable. […]

Stream of consciousness in literature: what’s its role?

Stream of consciousness is a literary device that takes the reader inside a character’s mind, allowing them to follow their thoughts. It can be difficult to follow as it is not linear, but it helps to understand the character better. It is typically used as a character study and often includes memories and feelings. James […]

Best tips for writing stream of consciousness?

Stream of consciousness can refer to a narrative form or writing method. The form mimics the narrator’s conscious thought, while the method involves writing whatever comes to mind. Writing in this style requires a free application of syntactic rules. Reading works in this style and examining one’s own conscious thought can help improve writing. Writing […]

What’s stream of consciousness?

Stream of consciousness is a literary and psychological technique that represents the unstructured thought process, incorporating sensory stimuli and speculations. Modernist writers like Virginia Woolf, TS Eliot, and James Joyce used this technique to portray characters’ inner lives. The technique often takes the form of long passages without punctuation or standard writing conventions. Other writers […]

What’s prosperity consciousness?

Prosperity consciousness is a mindset that focuses on achieving rather than limitations, originating from the New Thought movement. It involves recognizing opportunities, claiming them, and being specific in goals. Businesses can also adopt this mindset to achieve their goals. Sometimes referred to as prosperity thinking, prosperity consciousness is an approach to developing a mindset that […]

What’s collective consciousness?

Collective consciousness is the shared knowledge and beliefs of a group, allowing for common goals and attitudes. It is a primary factor behind human group activity and arises from positive and negative pressure on individuals. The concept of a collective unconscious, proposed by psychologist CJ Jung, suggests that some human concepts are inherited rather than […]

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