Evolution’s pace: constant or variable?

The Earth was stagnant for about a billion years between 800 million and 1.8 billion years ago, stalling evolution due to a lack of trace metal nutrients in the oceans. Evolution resumed over 200 million years, leading to today’s biodiversity. The text also includes interesting facts about blue eyes and dog breeds, and clarifies Charles […]

What’s a shape constant?

The shape constant is a recurring geometric pattern seen during hallucinations or altered states of consciousness. It was discovered by Heinrich Klüver in the 1920s while studying the effects of peyote. The prevailing constants are grouped into four categories: checkerboard, cobwebs, tunnels, and spirals. The phenomena is caused by interference in the visual cortex. It […]

What’s a constant bitrate?

Constant bitrate is useful for stable playback of streaming media, but not ideal for archiving complex files. Variable bitrate allows for more flexibility in bitrate modeling. Constant bitrate is a tool used in digital telecommunication signals, for example when transferring audio files from the Internet. A constant bitrate file is encoded to produce a file […]

What’s a constant bit rate?

Constant bit rate (CBR) is a coding technique where the amount of bits per file remains the same, unlike variable bit rate (VBR). CBR is useful for consistent quality and tracking bits used, but can result in lower quality for complex parts. CBR is more compatible for online use and allows for accurate estimation of […]

Does light have a constant speed?

The speed of light in a vacuum is constant and any experiment suggesting otherwise is viewed with suspicion. The speed of light is variable in different mediums, with some having a high refractive index that can slow or even stop light. However, the slowdown is illusory as the speed of light never actually slows down. […]

What’s a constant force spring?

Constant force springs maintain a constant recoil force due to their unique design, unlike ordinary springs which follow Hooke’s law. They are used in self-retracting devices such as tape measures and seat belts to ensure consistent force in a small space. In most types of springs, the force exerted when that spring is compressed and […]

What’s constant air volume?

Constant air volume (CAV) provides a constant level of airflow at two temperatures and maintains standard air pressure. It requires two sets of ductwork, but is easy to maintain and best for large open spaces. Variable air volume (VAV) is more complex, energy efficient, and suitable for smaller rooms. Constant air volume (CAV) is a […]

Speed of sound constant?

Sound waves are inconsistent and affected by temperature and density. Underwater, sound travels faster but requires more energy. Sound cannot exist in space, and the largest recorded sound was from the Krakatoa eruption. The crack of a whip is breaking the sound barrier. The speed of light is a constant, always traveling at 186,000 miles […]

Dielectric constant?

The dielectric constant is the ratio of a material’s permittivity to that of a vacuum. Capacitors store electrical charges and use insulators known as dielectrics. The dielectric constant changes with frequency and is called the relative dielectric constant. Insulators with higher dielectric constants are needed for high-frequency circuits. Dielectric insulators can contribute to the electric […]

What’s the solar constant?

The solar constant measures the power of sunlight on a perpendicular plane above Earth’s atmosphere, but changes on Earth due to atmospheric conditions. It is important for solar power generation, meteorology, and space exploration. Solar radiation includes all electromagnetic radiation from the Sun, but insolation on Earth’s surface is reduced to 250 watts per square […]

What’s the constant opp cost?

Constant opportunity cost is when the cost of pursuing an opportunity remains the same even as benefits change. It can be used in manufacturing or other economic situations, and can help businesses determine if an opportunity is worth pursuing. Constant opportunity cost is a situation in which the costs of pursuing a given opportunity do […]

What’s a dissociation constant?

Dissociation constants measure how easily a compound splits into ions in a solvent. They determine the strength of acids and bases in aqueous solutions. The acid dissociation constant Ka measures the strength of an acid, while the base dissociation constant Kb measures the strength of a base. The pH scale measures the concentration of hydrogen […]

What’s a constant dollar plan?

A constant dollar plan minimizes investment risk by reducing volatility. Securities are purchased in fixed dollar amounts, with fewer units bought when prices rise and more when they fall. Setting realistic fixed dollar amounts is key. A constant dollar plan is a type of investment strategy used to maximize the chances of a return on […]

Causes of constant chest pain?

Chest pain can be caused by gastrointestinal issues, muscle problems, lung diseases, or angina. It is important to see a doctor to distinguish between less serious causes and emergency situations. Overabundance of stomach acid and angina can cause constant chest pain, while pulled chest muscles and lung problems can also be causes. Chest pain accompanied […]

Causes of constant flatulence?

Excessive flatulence is usually caused by diet or lifestyle factors, such as swallowing air, high fiber intake, or food intolerances. Medications or underlying medical conditions may also be to blame. Making small changes to diet and behavior can help reduce gas, but seeing a doctor is recommended if symptoms persist. Passing gas is a normal […]

What’s a constant dollar plan?

A constant dollar plan is an investment strategy that aims to reduce risk and maximize returns by buying securities in fixed dollar amounts over time. This approach, also known as dollar-cost averaging, helps investors pursue investments without exposing them to as much risk as buying large amounts at once. The key is to set realistic […]

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