What’s Contact Juggling?

David Bowie’s Goblin King in the film Labyrinth was shown contact juggling, a form of juggling where balls are rolled over the hands or upper body. Michael Moschen, a juggler, was the genius behind the coordination and is credited with popularizing the art form. Contact juggling has been around for at least 200 years and […]

What’s an Angular Contact Bearing?

Angular contact bearings are specialty ball bearings used in manufacturing and industrial applications. They support a wider range of forces than standard bearings and are made of steel, ceramic, or other metals. They reduce friction and add resistance along axial and radial forces. They are found in motors, engines, power tools, and even hardware. An […]

Contact lenses & dry eyes: any link?

Wearing soft contact lenses can cause dry eyes as they contain water that evaporates during the day and absorbs moisture from the eye. Rigid gas permeable lenses do not contain water but can repel it, making them worse for dry eyes. Hydrogel lenses are a compromise. Extensive use of contacts can damage the outer layer […]

What’s a Contact Manager?

A contact manager is software for storing and organizing customer information, schedules, emails, and notes. It can generate reports, backup data, and categorize contacts. It also has a search function and templates for common tasks. Different versions include internet-based systems and those uploaded to a company’s server or part of another software application. A contact […]

Contact consulate for abroad issues.

Knowing how to contact the US Consulate or Embassy while traveling abroad is important in case of emergencies. They can assist with legal disputes, illness, and injury, but not with financial problems or obtaining visas. Research their contact information before traveling. While it’s best to do everything in your power to avoid legal trouble while […]

Contact eye infection symptoms?

Contact lens wearers should be aware of symptoms of eye infection, including redness, watery eyes, blurred vision, discharge, and pain. Consult a doctor if symptoms occur. Some types of contact lenses, such as gas-permeable and disposable lenses, may reduce the risk of infection. Contact lenses can create an environment for bacteria and viruses to grow, […]

Best open source contact management tips?

Open source contact management software can be used to increase sales and improve customer relationships by sending newsletters, sale notifications, and personalized discounts. It can also be used to inform customers about charitable events and boost public relations. Open source contact management software is used to capture and record customer and prospect contact information; after […]

What’s Contact Dermatitis?

Contact dermatitis can be caused by irritants such as poison ivy or by allergic reactions to substances like nickel. It can be diagnosed through self-examination or skin tests, and treatment includes eliminating the offending substance and using topical anesthetics or steroids. Lifestyle changes can also help reduce exposure to potential irritants and allergens. Many of […]

What’s Full Contact Kickboxing?

Full contact kickboxing combines Western boxing and traditional karate techniques, allowing opponents of similar weight to exchange full contact blows and kicks to the torso and head. Rules vary, but typically opponents can strike with padded fists and feet above the hip. Matches are typically three to 12 rounds of two to three minutes each. […]

Causes of contact lens allergy?

Contact lens wearers may experience red, itchy, and watery eyes due to allergies caused by irritants such as pollen, dandruff, and protein buildup. Proper hand washing and lens care can help, as can wearing disposable lenses or switching to sensitive eye contact solution. GPC, caused by protein buildup, can also lead to allergic reactions. Some […]

Contact resistance: what is it?

Contact resistance measures the flow of electricity or heat between two surfaces, with larger surface areas having lower resistance. Gold and soft metals are often used in contact pads. High resistance can be caused by loose connections, erosion, contamination, or corrosion. Ohmmeters can test resistivity, taking into account surface area and pressure. Manufacturers provide measuring […]

Rolling contact: what is it?

Rolling contact is a mechanical phenomenon where rolling bodies or surfaces contact each other, with zero relative velocity. It underlies many mechanical processes, but can cause fatigue and failure in bearings. Research examines conditions for failure and how to design bearings more effectively. Rolling contact has been used for a long time, including the log […]

Order without contact? How?

A no-contact order is a court order that prohibits the defendant from contacting the petitioner. The process for filing the order varies by jurisdiction, but usually involves filing a petition through the prosecutor’s office or a specific court. In cases of domestic violence, a judge may issue a temporary ex parte order, which usually expires […]

What’s the contact process?

The contact process creates sulfuric acid for industrial use and was patented by Peregrine Phillips in 1831. It replaced the lead chamber process due to its efficiency and versatility. The process involves creating sulfur dioxide, purifying it, converting it to sulfur trioxide, and then producing sulfuric acid. The contact process is a chemical procedure that […]

Contact process for sulfuric acid?

The contact process for sulfuric acid involves burning sulfur with air to form sulfur dioxide, which is then absorbed into sulfuric acid to form oleum and finally reacts with water to form sulfuric acid. Stoichiometry and careful control of reactant quantities are important to reduce costs and improve yields. The process uses a catalyst and […]

Special contact lenses for dry eyes?

Contact lenses can cause uncomfortable dryness over time, but recent improvements in materials have made them more comfortable for dry eye sufferers. Brands like Proclear® Compatibles and Acuvue® Oasys are made with a hydrogel material that holds less water than previous lenses, making them ideal for people with chronic dry eyes or who are exposed […]

Pre-Columbian transoceanic contact: what is it?

Pre-Columbian transoceanic contact between Native Americans and other continents before Columbus in 1492 is verified by historical and archaeological evidence. The Norse traveled to modern Canada and made colonies there around the year 1000, while Polynesians visited South America between 1304 and 1424. Archaeological evidence of the Norse’s pre-Columbian transoceanic contact fits well with Viking […]

What’s the contact process?

The contact process is used to produce sulfuric acid for various industrial applications. It involves four stages, strict quality control, and safety measures. Different factories may tweak the process, but pollution control is important. The contact process is a method for the industrial production of sulfuric acid. It is the industry standard for producing this […]

What’s a Virtual Contact Center?

Virtual contact centers provide customer relationship management services without a physical location, using technology to connect customers to service agents. Initially outsourced to foreign countries, many companies now hire US-based independent contractors or allow in-house employees to work from home. Benefits include cost-effectiveness, higher productivity, and the ability to operate globally. Challenges include employee management […]

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