What’s Contrast Sensitivity?

Contrast sensitivity is the ability to distinguish between different levels of brightness, and low sensitivity can impair vision. Tests can determine a patient’s level of sensitivity, which can be affected by conditions like macular degeneration and diabetes, as well as aging. Graphic designers must consider contrast sensitivity when designing legible images. Contrast sensitivity is a […]

Types of MRI with contrast?

MRI with contrast uses special dyes to enhance images of specific areas of the body. Different types of contrast agents are used for different purposes, such as detecting tumors or monitoring liver damage. MRI without contrast is used as a baseline for comparison. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a type of imaging that doctors use […]

What’s a contrast scan?

Medical imaging technology, such as CT scans and MRIs, use contrast agents to highlight specific areas of the body for diagnosis. Iodine is commonly used for CT scans, while gadolinium is used for MRIs. Barium is used for oral and rectal contrast scans. Side effects are rare but can occur, especially in patients with certain […]

Phase contrast microscope: what is it?

The phase contrast microscope enhances live specimens by using light waves to distinguish between transparent and colorless structures, eliminating the need to stain and kill samples. It was invented by Fritz Zerinke in 1930 and has been instrumental in studying active cellular processes. A phase contrast microscope is a scientific instrument specifically designed to enhance […]

What’s a contrast microscope?

A phase contrast microscope increases the contrast of objects on the stage, making them highly visible without the need for dyeing. It allows observers to see transparent structures of living cells and organisms without killing them. Frederik Zernike won the Nobel Prize for inventing this technique, which is mostly used in research laboratories due to […]

What’s a Contrast Agent?

Contrast agents are used in medical imaging to enhance visibility of internal structures. They can be ingested, injected, inserted or inhaled, and are generally safe but can cause allergic reactions. Radiologists decide which type of contrast to use and monitor for adverse reactions. A contrast agent is a substance that is used in a medical […]

Cervical MRI w/ contrast: what is it?

A cervical MRI with contrast is a painless medical imaging procedure that uses a large magnet and radio waves to produce detailed three-dimensional images of the neck region of the spine. Contrast is used to highlight certain areas, and the procedure can help diagnose neck injuries, infections, cancer, and diseases like multiple sclerosis. The procedure […]

What’s contrast echo?

Contrast echocardiography is a non-invasive procedure that adds contrast to a standard echocardiogram to provide clearer images of the heart and blood flow. Saline solution is commonly used as contrast, and the procedure can diagnose various heart problems. Contrast echocardiography is a type of echocardiogram, which is an ultrasound of the heart and may also […]

What’s Contrast Dye?

Contrast dye is used in CT scans, MRI, and X-rays to make injuries or diseases visible. It can be given intravenously, orally, or rectally, and patients should be aware of potential complications and follow instructions on eating and drinking before the test. Contrast dye is a pharmaceutical liquid used in computed tomography (CT) scans, magnetic […]

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