China’s trade contributions: how have they evolved?

China’s economy grew from 1% of world trade in 1978 to 8% in 2009. It is predicted to exceed the US economy by 2027, but fears of China recalling debt are unfounded as it would harm its own economy. China is the world’s largest exporter of communications technology and major exports to the US include […]

Catholic nuns’ contributions to science?

Sister Mary Kenneth Keller was the first American woman to earn a Ph.D. in computer science in 1965. She helped develop the BASIC programming language, making it easier for everyone to write code and bringing computer proficiency to the masses. She later founded the computer science department at Clarke College and was an advocate for […]

What are post-tax contributions?

After-tax contributions, also known as voluntary contributions, are funds put into a retirement or annuity account after state and federal taxes have been paid. Withdrawal of these funds at a later time will not be taxed, making them increasingly popular. Pre-tax contributions mean that when the money is withdrawn, taxes will have to be paid […]

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