Which countries haven’t ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child?

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child protects children’s rights and is widely ratified, but the US and Somalia have not ratified it. The US has concerns about parental rights and the death penalty for minors. Even ratified countries don’t always follow all aspects of the treaty. The United Nations (UN) Convention on […]

What’s the GOP Convention?

The Republican National Convention is held every four years to nominate and confirm Republican candidates for president and vice president. It also serves to make changes to the party platform, write rules and policies, and exchange ideas. Delegates from each state vote for their candidate, and the media pays close attention to the event. The […]

What’s the Hartford Convention?

The Hartford Convention was a meeting of New England states’ delegates in protest of the War of 1812. They proposed constitutional amendments to address trade restrictions and perceived favoritism towards the South. The convention was undermined by the end of the war and labeled as traitorous by the public. The Federalist Party ended as a […]

What’s the Philly Convention?

The Philadelphia Convention, held in 1787, aimed to address the issues of the Articles of Confederation. Delegates drafted a new government plan, the United States Constitution, which strengthened the federal government and preserved state laws. Compromises were made between those who wanted a stronger federal government and those who defended the rights of states. The […]

What’s the 1993 Chem Weapons Convention?

The Chemical Weapons Convention, introduced in 1992, prohibits the development, production, and use of chemical weapons. 183 of the 195 UN member states have signed and ratified the convention. The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons oversees implementation and progress. Three classes of chemical weapons are recognized. The 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention is a […]

What’s the Child Rights Convention?

The Convention on the Rights of the Child is an international treaty adopted by the UN in 1989 to protect children’s basic human rights and promote their development. It outlines minimum standards for protection and is ratified by almost every nation. Compliance is monitored through periodic reports to a panel of experts. The Convention on […]

What’s the config convention?

The configuration convention is a programming philosophy that simplifies table and element design by using a base class name. This reduces coding and spelling errors, and the configuration file is smaller, improving functionality. Unique names are not needed for each element, and a smaller configuration file leads to a better program. The configuration convention is […]

What’s the Cybercrime Convention?

The Cybercrime Convention is an international treaty created in 2001 by the Council of Europe to combat cybercrime globally. It has been ratified by over 30 countries and covers crimes such as copyright infringement, child pornography, and insider trading. The treaty was developed in collaboration with the United States, Canada, and Japan to utilize the […]

What’s a convention planner’s role?

A convention planner specializes in organizing conventions, including securing a venue, accommodations, transportation, meals, and security. They also handle printed materials, marketing, and organizing the convention space. This job requires excellent organization and people skills, and the ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously. A convention planner is someone who specializes in planning and organizing conventions, […]

What’s Hague Services Convention?

The Hague Services Convention simplifies the international service process by designating a central authority to accept legal documents from other nations. It prevents lawsuits from advancing without the defendant’s awareness and frustration in the legal community. The convention does not cover all legal documents and extradition requires different procedures. The Hague Services Convention is an […]

Scrapbook convention: what is it?

Scrapbooking conventions are events for enthusiasts to interact with vendors and each other. They vary in size, location, and focus, but typically include classes and social opportunities. Conventions occur at different levels and may require advance registration. The internet has helped increase the popularity of scrapbooking and conventions are often organized by associations. Scrapbooking conventions […]

What’s a Convention declaration?

Life insurance companies must file annual convention statements in accordance with state laws. These statements include financial information on assets, liabilities, and surplus to ensure the company can honor policies and meet state standards. Convention statements are documents that life insurance companies must file annually. These annual returns must be filed in accordance with the […]

What’s a convention center?

Convention centers are buildings designed for meetings, seminars, and events. They can be located in tourist areas or universities, and offer facilities such as food, internet access, and equipment rental. They aim to provide convenience and accessibility for attendees. A convention center is a building or group of buildings designed, in most cases, for the […]

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