Cooling Capacity: What is it?

Cooling capacity is the measure of how quickly heat is removed from an interior space. It is rated in BTUs per hour and is related to the size of the space. Air conditioning units are often the biggest energy consumers, so manufacturers have adopted efficient practices and independent groups verify these claims. The Air Conditioning, […]

Cooling Coil: What is it?

Cooling coils are used to control temperatures in material processing and heating/cooling systems. Heat exchange occurs as materials move through the coil, with longer coils promoting more heat loss. Coils can be actively pumped or use density differences to circulate materials. Maintenance is important to prevent reduced circulation and leaks. A cooling coil is a […]

What’s engine cooling?

Engine cooling is essential to prevent overheating and maintain efficiency. Air cooling was once popular, but liquid cooling is now more common. The cooling system includes fans, hoses, and fluids. Overheating can cause damage and requires maintenance to fix. Engine cooling is a process that helps the engine maintain a constant temperature and prevent overheating. […]

What’s thermoacoustic cooling?

Thermoacoustic refrigeration uses sound waves and helium gas to create cooling power, eliminating the need for complex mechanical components and ozone-depleting gases. It is more environmentally friendly, requires less maintenance, and has higher efficiency potential. Developed at Penn State University, it has been extensively tested and could potentially replace traditional refrigeration methods that have negative […]

What’s a Cooling Center?

Cooling centers are public facilities that provide relief from hot weather, especially for elderly and disabled citizens. They can be retrofitted public buildings or mobile trailers, with air conditioning, fans, and entertainment. They may also have medical staff to provide first aid. Citizens are advised to stay indoors during the hottest part of the day […]

What’s oil cooling?

Oil cooling removes heat from machinery and electrical components using oil as a transfer medium. Oil has a higher boiling point than water and is an electrical insulator. The process involves circulating hot oil to a cooling mechanism, dissipating heat, and then repeating the cycle. Mineral oils are typically used with additives to improve performance. […]

Passive Cooling: What is it?

Passive cooling uses design and technology to cool a building without energy. Techniques range from shading to strategic building design, insulation, and convection. Passive cooling reduces or eliminates the need for powered cooling, resulting in cost savings and minimal environmental impact. Passive cooling is a method that incorporates design and technology to cool a building […]

What’s a cooling load?

Cooling load is a calculation used in building design to determine how much heat needs to be removed to maintain a constant temperature. Factors such as humidity, equipment, and layout are considered to create an efficient heating and cooling system. Designers consider worst-case scenarios to ensure the system can handle extreme conditions. Balancing heating and […]

What’s a quiet cooling fan?

Silent cooling fans are used in computers to expel heat from core components. They can bring cool air in or expel hot air out. They use little energy and create no noise. Overheating is the biggest threat to computer systems. Fans keep the temperature within tolerable levels. Fans come in different sizes and can be […]

Types of computer cooling?

Computers generate heat, which can damage components. Cooling mechanisms absorb and move heat away, including vents, fans, heat sinks, and water/oil circulation. Laptops are challenging due to limited space and clogged vents. Cooling effectiveness depends on the environment. Many different components in computers, such as the central processing unit (CPU), hard drive, and random access […]

Laser Cooling: What is it?

Laser cooling uses lasers to slow down and cool atoms by causing them to absorb and emit photons in random directions. It selectively targets atoms moving in certain directions and speeds by tuning the light to a specific frequency. The coldest temperatures ever generated were achieved using a combination of laser cooling and evaporative cooling. […]

Conv. Cooling: what is it?

Convection cooling occurs when fluid motion transfers heat and can be natural or forced. Natural cooling occurs from changes in fluid density, while forced convection occurs when an external force moves the fluid. Conduction is heat transfer through a material without movement. Natural convection occurs in the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans, while forced cooling is […]

What’s Free Cooling?

Freecooling uses outside air to cool water, reducing electricity consumption. It works best in locations with temperatures below 59°F/15°C and can be retrofitted to existing systems. It’s ideal for data centers, but outside air can harm electronics and filters add cost. The system cannot operate below 39°F/4°C. Freecooling is a method of using the outside […]

Thermoelectric Cooling: What is it?

Thermoelectric cooling uses electricity to create temperature differences. The Peltier effect can convert temperature differences into electrical voltage or use electricity to create temperature differences. Thermoelectric coolers are used in computers, spacecraft, and portable coolers. Thermoelectric generators use temperature differences to generate electricity. Thermoelectric cooling is less efficient than refrigeration but has advantages such as […]

What’s a cooling tower?

Cooling towers are used to dispose of waste heat in various industries, including power plants. They can use evaporative or non-evaporative processes and natural or mechanical draft. They can also be part of a heating and cooling system. However, they can be vulnerable to damage and visually unappealing. A cooling tower is a structure designed […]

Geothermal cooling: how it works?

Geothermal cooling uses the stable temperature of the top 10 feet of the earth’s surface to extract thermal energy and transfer cool temperatures to a warmer area. It can be implemented through water-to-air or water-to-water systems and has a lifespan of up to 50 years. It is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional […]

What’s Active Cooling?

Cooling systems are divided into active and passive types. Active cooling uses energy to transfer heat through conduction or convection, such as in car engines and air conditioning. Passive cooling uses natural heat transfer, like ridge vents in buildings. Many systems use both types for efficiency, but passive cooling is becoming more popular due to […]

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