What’s a Copolymer?

Polymers are chains of molecules formed by linking small molecules together. Copolymers are obtained by joining two different types of molecules called monomers. They can be classified by the arrangement of monomers, shape of structures formed by polymer chains, and properties they impart to finished products. Block copolymers have a simple structure but exhibit phase […]

What’s a Copolymer?

Polymers are chains of molecules formed by linking small molecules together. Copolymers are obtained by joining two different types of molecules in the same chain. Different arrangements of monomers lead to various categories and subcategories of copolymers, including alternating, random, periodic, and block copolymers. Block copolymers have a simple structure but exhibit phase separation, forming […]

What’s a Random Copolymer?

Random copolymers blend two different molecular chains to create unique properties in plastics. Polypropylene, a common polymer, can be made transparent and have a lower melting point by creating a random copolymer with polyethylene. Regular copolymers have a crystalline structure, making them inflexible and brittle when cold. Random copolymers are more resistant to cracking at […]

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