How to preserve umbilical cord?

Umbilical cords can be stored in sterile containers for future use. Cord blood and tissue can be stored separately. The ideal temperature for storage is around -249 degrees Fahrenheit. Private storage is expensive, but donation is free and can be used for stem cell research. An umbilical cord that will be stored must first be […]

What’s Tethered Cord Syndrome?

Tethered cord syndrome (TCS) occurs when the spinal cord becomes attached to the spine, causing physical and developmental symptoms. It can be a birth defect or a side effect of spinal surgery. Symptoms include skin discoloration, foot deformities, and back pain. Surgery is the typical treatment, but follow-ups are necessary to ensure the cord has […]

Best power cord selection?

Choose power cords with heavy strands and grounding pins, and consider sealed plugs for humid environments. Cable length, outlets, and amperage are also important factors. A thick cord is better than a thin one, and brightly colored cords reduce accidents on construction sites. When trying to choose the best power cord for any application, you […]

How to care for umbilical cord stump?

Taking care of a newborn’s umbilical cord stump is simple: keep it clean and dry, avoid abrasive clothing, let it fall off naturally, and watch for signs of infection. Sponge baths are recommended until the stump falls off, and rubbing alcohol may not be necessary. Once the stump falls off, do not try to remove […]

What’s an ext. cord?

Extension cords are used to extend the length of power cords and come in various lengths, sizes, and designs. They are designed for indoor or outdoor use and can handle different electrical loads. Buyers should check the plug type before purchasing and some cords have special features like power strips or wireless extenders. An extension […]

Types of acute spinal cord injury?

Spinal cord injuries are classified as complete or incomplete, with the latter having subcategories such as anterior, central, and posterior cord syndromes, Brown-Sequard syndrome, and cauda equina lesions. Damage to different sections of the spinal cord can result in paralysis, loss of function, or loss of sensation. Many professionals classify an acute spinal cord injury […]

What’s a vocal cord polyp?

Vocal cord polyps are soft, blister-like growths caused by voice abuse, with symptoms including hoarseness, throat lump, and ear pain. Rest, medication, and surgery are treatment options. Polyps can turn into nodules if left untreated, and in rare cases, can become cancerous. A vocal cord polyp is a noncancerous blister-like growth on the vocal cord. […]

Why save umbilical cord?

Saving umbilical cord blood provides stem cells for future medical needs. Options include private banks for family use, public banks for transplants, and donation for research. Costs vary, but some options are free. Parents must decide before birth where to save the cord blood. Saving an umbilical cord after the birth of a child provides […]

Best tips for cutting umbilical cord?

The umbilical cord connects the baby to the mother’s placenta and is cut after birth. Safety, sterility, and timing are important for a clean cut. Delaying cutting the cord until it stops pulsating has health benefits for the baby, but immediate cutting is necessary for babies requiring medical attention. The stump of the cord stays […]

What’s a spinal cord stimulator?

Spinal cord stimulators can relieve pain by blocking neurotransmitters and are approved by the FDA for pain management. They work best for pain caused by injury or nerve damage. Candidates must undergo a trial implant before permanent placement, and complications can occur. Patients may require fewer medications and enjoy a better quality of life with […]

Factors affecting umbilical cord separation?

The umbilical cord connects the fetus to the mother’s placenta and is cut after birth, with a small portion remaining attached to the baby’s belly button. Factors that could delay separation include antiseptics, immunodeficiencies, cesarean section, prematurity, and neonatal sepsis. Keeping the cord clean and dry is important to prevent infection. Premature babies have a […]

Herniated umbilical cord: what is it?

A herniated umbilical cord is when the intestines push against the abdominal wall, causing a bulge around the belly button. It can affect adults and children, but often goes away on its own in children. Surgery is recommended if it doesn’t close or causes complications. Adults may need surgery as the hernia tends to grow […]

What’s a cut spinal cord?

A severed spinal cord can cause total or partial paralysis below the point of injury, with traffic accidents being the main cause. Complications include deep vein thrombosis, bed sores, joint problems, and urinary problems. Stem cell therapy is being researched as a potential treatment. A severed spinal cord is a break in the network of […]

Types of spinal cord diseases?

Spinal cord diseases can cause problems with muscle movement, vision, speech, and paralysis. They can be caused by injuries, genetic conditions, neurological and demyelinating disorders, and cancer. Treatment includes medications, physical therapy, braces, and surgery. Demyelinating disorders like multiple sclerosis and transverse myelitis can cause numbness, muscle weakness, fatigue, and chronic headaches. Cancer can produce […]

Spinal cord compression: what is it?

Spinal cord compression can cause pain and range from mild to severe symptoms such as muscle weakness, bladder and bowel control loss, and numbness. Causes include fractures, tumors, and bleeding disorders. Diagnosis is done through MRI and physical exams, and treatment includes surgery, biopsies, and pain relief. Spinal cord compression can be one of the […]

Types of vocal cord damage?

Vocal cord damage can be caused by various factors, including disease, injury, infections, and abuse. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can also cause vocal cord damage. Treatment may include lifestyle changes, exercises, or surgery. It’s important to see a doctor if there are any concerns. There are different types of vocal cord damage that can be […]

Spinal cord infarction: what is it?

Spinal cord infarction is a rare stroke caused by blockages or thickening of the arteries supplying the spinal cord, resulting in symptoms such as back pain, incontinence, and weak legs. Treatment includes physical and occupational therapy, and recovery varies depending on the severity of the stroke. A spinal cord infarction is a stroke that occurs […]

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