What’s a corrupt politician?

Political corruption involves using power for personal gain, often financially. This can include accepting bribes, offering jobs for favors, and manipulating legislation. It ignores the interests of constituents and society. Protections such as term limits and laws on donations exist to reduce corruption. Cronyism and legislative manipulation are also common. Strictly speaking, a corrupt politician […]

What’s a Corrupt File?

Corrupted files can become unusable due to glitches, bugs, or viruses. System tools can fix some issues, but in extreme cases, data recovery or reinstalling a saved copy may be necessary. Regular backups are important. Corrupted files are computer files that suddenly become unusable or unusable. There are several reasons why a file can become […]

What’s a Corrupt File?

Corrupted files can become unusable due to glitches, bugs, or viruses. System tools or virus detection programs may fix the issue, but in extreme cases, data recovery or reinstalling a saved copy may be necessary. Regular backups are important to avoid data loss. Corrupted files are computer files that suddenly become unusable or unusable. There […]

What’s the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act?

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) is a US law that prohibits US entities from making payments to foreign officials to gain business advantages. Violators can face criminal and civil charges, fines, and imprisonment. The law applies to any public official, regardless of rank or position, and even covers foreign entities attempting bribery on US […]

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