Types of frontal cortex damage?

Damage to the frontal cortex can be caused by neurological disorders, traumatic events, and head injuries. Treatments such as medication, therapy, and surgery may improve symptoms. Frontal lobe epilepsy, concussions, and expressive aphasia are conditions that can result from frontal cortex damage. Diagnosis requires physical exams and brain scans. Recovery may be limited, and patients […]

Main cortex function?

The cerebral cortex is responsible for higher-order thinking and is larger and more developed in humans. It is divided into four areas, each with specific functions. The frontal lobe is critical for emotion, problem-solving, and recognition of speech. Brain scans and studies of brain damage provide information about how the cortex works. The cerebral cortex, […]

What’s the parietal cortex?

The parietal cortex is an important part of the brain responsible for integrating sensations, language comprehension, mathematical ability, and spatial awareness. It can be affected by strokes, tumors, and seizures. Blood flow interruptions can cause a stroke, while tumors and injuries can disrupt function and cause neurological symptoms. The parietal cortex is the outer surface […]

What’s the somatosensory cortex?

The somatosensory cortex processes inputs from various body systems sensitive to touch, including pain, temperature, and proprioception. It is located in the postcentral gyrus and can reorganize itself in response to external events. Damage can cause problems with touch sensation. The somatosensory cortex is an area of ​​the brain that processes inputs from various body […]

Auditory cortex: what is it?

The auditory cortex processes sound information but is not responsible for hearing. It has two sections, the primary cortex and the peripheral cortex, which have different functions. Damage to this part of the brain can result in the inability to understand language and music. Specific neurons in the auditory cortex detect sound and timing patterns, […]

Motor cortex: what is it?

The motor cortex controls voluntary movement and is divided into regions representing different parts of the body. It works with the premotor areas to plan and execute movement. Damage can lead to paralysis and difficulty learning motor skills. The homunculus map shows the distorted representation of the body on the cortex. The motor cortex of […]

What’s the frontal cortex?

The frontal cortex is a crucial part of the mammalian brain, responsible for higher functions, motor skills, and problem-solving. It continues to mature for about 20 years after birth and is affected by both genetic and environmental factors. Damage to the frontal cortex can cause personality changes, and a famous case is that of Phineas […]

What’s the primary cortex?

The primary cortex is responsible for higher brain functions, including processing sensory inputs such as sound, sight, and touch. It also controls body movement and emotional responses. Each cortical region receives sensory information and interprets its meaning. The primary cortex for each sense is located in different areas of the brain. The motor and somatosensory […]

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