[ad_1] Parens patriae is a legal concept where the state acts as a parent to citizens, often in cases of child neglect or mental incompetence. The state can make decisions on behalf of its ward and sue on their behalf. A social worker is appointed to assist in decision making, and new care situations are […]
[ad_1] In Iceland, a witch named Grýla captures misbehaving children during Christmas and eats them in her herb stew. Grýla has been a popular character in Icelandic folklore for centuries and is known for eating one of her husbands. Other scary Christmas traditions include a haunted ghost in South Africa, evil witches in Norway, and […]
[ad_1] The term “balance of payments” can refer to financial transactions in a specific period, long-term movements of capital, or a comprehensive statement including foreign to domestic currency ratio, trade balance, capital accounts, and invisible balances. It is useful for understanding a country’s financial situation. When referring to the balance of payments of a given […]