What’s password cracking?

Password cracking is the process of obtaining a password from existing data, often through repeated guessing or exploiting security holes. Guessing methods include using personal information, dictionary attacks, and brute force attacks. Strong passwords with a mix of characters are harder to crack. Password cracking is an umbrella term that describes a group of techniques […]

Can neck cracking cause stroke?

Neck cracking during chiropractic treatment can increase the risk of stroke, especially among those under 60. Studies have linked cervical artery dissection to neck cracking, which can lead to blood clots and oxygen deprivation in the brain. Patients should be aware of the risk and watch for signs of stroke after treatment. The theory that […]

Knuckle cracking: harmful?

Cracking knuckles is generally not harmful and does not cause arthritis, but excessive cracking can lead to weaker grip and swelling. The sound is caused by gas bubbles bursting in the synovial fluid between the joints. Delicate cracking is recommended, and any pain should be addressed by a doctor. Most experts agree that it’s probably […]

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