TV show creator’s control: how to maintain creativity?

Maintaining creative control over a TV show depends on the contract with the network and the creator becoming the showrunner. A proven track record in the industry also helps. Creative control includes decisions on writing, casting, locations, and music. First-time creators may have less control, and declining ratings can lead to loss of control and […]

Creativity and cognition: what’s the link?

Creativity and cognition work together to process and organize information, with creative thought processes allowing for unique combinations of elements. Creative people tend to have broader filters and perceive things differently, forming unusual associations between ideas. Well-combined creativity and cognition can lead to new inventions and problem-solving approaches. Creativity and cognition interact to enable an […]

Critical thinking and creativity: what’s the link?

Critical thinking and creativity are linked through the process of generating and selecting ideas to achieve a desired result. Examples include a painter selecting materials and a filmmaker creating characters. Both require the application of critical thinking and creativity. The critical thinking process is one that relies on using cognition to perform a constructive analysis […]

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