What are psychogenic crises? (28 characters)

Psychogenic seizures are caused by intense stress or emotional upset, not abnormal electrical discharges. They can be difficult to distinguish from epileptic seizures, but EEG tests can help. Misdiagnosis can be harmful, and treatment involves psychotherapy and addressing the psychological origins of seizures. Psychogenic seizures are episodes characterized by seizures and loss of motor control […]

What are alcohol withdrawal crises? (38 characters)

Alcohol withdrawal can cause seizures, with up to a third of heavy drinkers experiencing them. The seizures tend to occur within hours of the last drink and can be potentially fatal. Medical attention is necessary, and treatment involves stabilizing the patient with anticonvulsants and benzodiazepines. It is important to rule out other conditions that could […]

What are reflex anoxic crises?

Reflex anoxic seizures are caused by sudden extreme stimuli, such as fear, pain, or exposure to hot or cold water, and are more common in children. They are short-lived and usually do not cause permanent damage. Recovery occurs within minutes, and sufferers may be sleepy and have pale skin. In most cases, doctors do not […]

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