Cryonics vs Cryogenics: What’s the difference?

Cryogenics studies extremely low temperatures, while cryonics preserves human bodies after death for future revival. Cryogenics has practical applications, such as preserving food and blocking water flow, while cryonics is popular in the futurist community. The process involves vitrification to avoid ice crystal expansion. Whether it works remains to be seen. Cryogenics is the scientific […]

What’s cryogenics?

Cryogenics studies the effects of extremely cold temperatures on materials, including metals, gases, and biological matter. It has various applications, including hardening metals, preserving materials, and developing cryogenic fuels. Cryonics, the deep freezing of humans and animals for potential future resuscitation, is a controversial offshoot of cryogenics. Cryogenics is the study of producing extremely cold […]

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